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League Of Legends: Your Guide To Heroes Of The Storm

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Heroes and similar Champions

Abathur: No League equivalent, he's a global presence, imagine a full time Shen along with a Mordekaiser ult that you can control. His mines are used for map control.


Anub'Arak: Played as a disrupter/tank. Rek'Sai mixed with an Elise. Not the tankiest but his CC is great.


Azmodan: Ranged Mage, his Q is like Veigar's Q. Use it to last hit minions and you gain damage. Can be stupid strong late game. Played like a Xerath mixed with a Victor, stay back in fights and poke to fully utilize his kit.


Arthas: Bruiser. His E is like a Karthus Defile that also slows enemies. He's a good off-tank that can put out some good damage and a bit of CC. I would say his play style is like a less mobile Renekton.


Brightwing: Support, no real equivalent. She's a healer that has global presence. If I had to relate, I would say a Lulu with a 45 second Teleport.


Chen: Another Tank/Disrupter. Try to imagine a combined Lee Sin and Gragas with less range. He's a decent tank who can output a bit of damage. His Wandering Keg is a hilarious knockback that acts as some amazing CC if you learn to control it properly.


Diablo: A tank, he can be a good peeler or initiator for team fights. I would equate him to Alistar minus the healing. He's currently very strong.


E.T.C.: Pure Tank/Disrupter, arguably one of the best at the moment in the game. He's like a Shen/Alistar mix, his ult's can easily turn a team fight. Take his Stage Dive for a global ult that will allow you to split push late game.


Falstad: Solo laner, ganker, split pusher. No real equivalent. He has a fly that allows him to teleport around the map, great for controlling objectives. His boomerang ability is like Gnar's, and his E can be used to dash over walls.


Gazlowe: Heimerdonger. Has turrets, really good at taking map camps. Hard to fully utilize in team fights. His Deth Lazer is like Xerath's Q, charge up a laser and it increases in damage and range the longer you charge it.


Illidan: He's a melee assassin. Position him well and pick off squishies with ease. I would play him like Fizz, use his evasion to dodge.


Jaina: A really squishy glass cannon. I would play her like Lux, if you keep in the back line and don't get jumped on you'll output a great amount of damage.


Kerrigan: Squishy assassin. I would play her like Kha'Zix. She has a little bit of CC with her grasp but she shines when she can pick off a squishy while roaming.


Li Li: She's a support, has a great heal and I would put her equal to Nami. Her E is a blind that can be very strong in team fights if timed correctly.


Malfurion: A support that can put out a little amount of damage. Has no instant heal but rather over time. Has a root that can be hard to hit. Not really anyone equivalent in league, but not a super complex Hero either.


Muradin: A tank that can leap around, Taric's stun with a leap/more damage output/ can absorb a good amount of damage.


Murky: The Teemo of HoTS. Has his own play style, played to be an annoyance and to split push.


Nazeebo: No real equivalent to any Champions. Like an Annie support, can put out a crazy amount of damage and has great CC if used correctly. Need to position him well to get maximum use out of his ult.


Nova: Assassin with stealth. Like LeBlanc, but less complex, use her to continually pop out of stealth and poke. One of her Ults is like Caitlyn's, except way more powerful. At the moment, in a weird place with the current meta.


Rehgar: Udyr that can heal..kind of? You need to learn to utilize his wolf form for extra damage. Played as an aggressive support.


Raynor: Basic ADC, play him like an Ashe or Caitlyn. Kite with him and deal damage from the back line.


Sgt. Hammer: A unique Hero, sieged up she can do some good damage. Has some good long range, but you need to position really well. Sit back and blast people, when they chase you, quickly sprint away.


Sonya: A bruiser, play her like Leona. Throw your Q to an enemy to pull yourself to them, as well as stun them.


Stiches: A Blitzcrank grab. A good tank, initiator, and has some good CC late game with the correct talents. He's like a Nautilus that does damage.


Tassadar: A tricky support. He has a Janna shield, but can output some serious damage late game. He shouldn't be played as a support, but he also shouldn't be relied on for the teams damage.


The Lost Vikings: No equivalent. You control 3 Heroes at once, if you didn't suck at Starcraft, or played Meepo in Dota you will enjoy this Hero. Can put your team at a huge XP advantage if played correctly.


Thrall: He used to be like the Garen of HoTS, except really overpowered. Currently he's more balanced, he's a Melee damage dealer that can heal himself. Has fantastic burst damage, play him like a bit squishier Xin Zhao that lacks a leap.


Tyrael: Can be played like a tanky built Xin Zhao. Best played as an offtank or initiator, peel for your damage dealers or focus theirs and soak damage.


Tyrande: Imagine Ashe was a support and had a stun. She's good as an "off-support", can't support a whole team, but when learned to played well, can be a nice aggressive bully-support.


Tychus: Play him like Graves. He's a tanky ranged carry that can put out some good, consistent damage in team fights.


Uther: Tanky support, currently in a pretty good place. Play him like a useful Taric, time his stun and heal your team.


Valla: Play her like Vayne. Sit in the backline and fire off Multishots and autos. Once they start falling below half health clean up kills and kite. Currently in a good place meta wise.


Zagara: If she was in League she would be a top laner. She can shove lanes really well and her creep can be used to grant your team some bonus vision. Probably the best 1v1 in early game. Her Ult is great to be able to lock down people in team fights. Doesn't have a proper escape, so you need to position well.


Zeratul: An assassin, can go invisible and pop out to burst down heroes. Has a cleave, slow, and a blink. I would play him like a Zed/Akali/ Katarina. Don't get locked down in team fights or else you'll be a huge liability to your team.


Disclaimer: I understand that Heroes of the Storm and League of Legends are totally different games. The laning is different, the objectives are different, and the play style is different. This is to be used for people transitioning from LoL to HoTS, for anyone who wants to learn more about the game. These Heroes and Champions have similar play styles but they are not exactly the same.

Detailed Ability Compairsons


  • No real equivalent to League. He requires a lot of map awareness and Hero knowledge, not a very good choice for new players. Your goal is to be a presence in every lane, use your mines for map control, and help the lane matchups that are disadvantaged.
  • His Ultimate Evolution (lvl 10) ability clones one of your teammates, so not only do you have to know how to play your Hero, but the abilities of every Hero on your team.


  • Impale (Q): Shoots a line of spikes that damages and stuns enemies. = Morgana's Dark Binding (Q) Zyra's Grasping Roots (E)
  • Hardened Carapace (W): Gain a shield. = Shen's Feint (W),
  • Burrow Charge (E): Burrow underground and charge in a direction. = A simple dash that avoids unit collision.
  • Locust Swarm ®: Spawn a swarm of locusts that damages enemies and heals you. = Swain's Ravenous Flock ®, Evelynn's Agony's Embrace ®, replace her shield with a heal and it's roughly the same.
  • Web Blast ®: Wraps an enemy in webbing. Enemies can attack the webbing to break free. = Amumu's Curse of the Sad Mummy ® but you're able to break the stun.



  • Glove of Destruction (Q): Launch a long range orb of destruction that deals an area of damage. Brand's Pillar of Flame (W), Xerath's Rite of the Arcane ®, minus the ability to use them in rapid succession, Azmodan's is only a 10 second cooldown.
  • Summon a Demon Warrior (W): ...Summon a Demon Warrior. = Yoricks Omen of Pestilence (W) except it doesn't decay over time.
  • All Shall Burn (E): Channel a death beam on an enemy. = Fiddlesticks' Drain (W) minus the heal (Unless you choose Azmodan's Gluttony talent at level 4).
  • Demonic Invasion ®: Summons a rain of Demonic Grunts that damages on impact. = Gangplank's Cannon Barrage ® minus the slow.
  • Black Pool ®: Creates a pool that empowers Azmodan and his army. = No real equivalent.



  • Death Coil (Q): Deals damage and heals Arthas. = Vlad's Transfusion (Q).
  • Howling Blacks (W): Roots and damages enemies in an area. = Zyra's Grasping Roots (E), Morgana's Dark Binding (Q).
  • Frozen Tempest (E): Damage and slow nearby enemies, drains mana while active. = Karthus' Defile (E) with an added slow.
  • Summon Sindragosa ®: Summon Sindragosa to damage and slow enemies. Freezes minions and structures. = No real equivalent, the freeze on structures works like Ohmwrecker.
  • Army of the Dead ®: Summons Ghouls that can be sacrificed to heal you. = No real equivalent.




(taken from HoTS/League Comparisons - Heroes Bamboo )


This last part is a work in progress, only the first few heroes have been done :)

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