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Racism In Server

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Also, I am usually the only staff on (however @Lithium is now more actively coming on and helping me,) and it's a headache to deal with 20 people, 3 stupid CTs and hexx at the same time all while listening to 3 other people in teamspeak complaining about a freekill or somebody being annoying.

this is why I wish I hadn't been demoted so soon, I'm usually on whenever there are no other staff on and generally there are rulebreakers about


As far as racism goes, if it's something minor like a racist joke that doesn't contain any racial slurs, I'd be okay with it as long as nobody complained(if anyone did I'd warn them), but even then they shouldn't do it too often and shouldn't take it too far. But if it's racial slurs, saying nword this and nword that, even if nobody complained I would do something about it, because it still would give us a bad reputation.

pretty spot on, if its here and there w/e, but if its too much then we have a problem


Also, if we're going to enforce racism then we should enforce all racial terms, meaning don't just punish someone who says the nword. I've always seen that staff punish those who say the nword but not someone who goes around saying chink/spic/whateverelsethereis.

i've seen this a bit too and I feel like we need to be more strict about ALL racism and racial slurs instead of just the nword and occasionally racism directed at black people

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