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Member Name: BlueRaja


In-Game Name: BlueRaja


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:751545


Age: 24


Game Time: (CS:S) Since the day it came out. Play original CS since 1.1 (before Steam!)


Helpful Skills: I'd make a great poster child because I am so good looking. Also, I make a damn good creme fraiche.


Also, I am a professional software developer, and was once an active AMXX-plugin developer (which was written by the same people, and uses the same plugins-language (Pawn), as Sourcemod)

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ive seen this kid before and heard his voice,and hell he ain 24 maybe 9 at best, 2 he was ctbanned multiple times for breaking the rules if i were still a member id vouch this 9 year old freekiller down.

ps: ive seen him spray into a crowd of ts like a retard soo think about letting this kid in or NOT

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ive seen this kid before and heard his voice,and hell he ain 24 maybe 9 at best, 2 he was ctbanned multiple times for breaking the rules if i were still a member id vouch this 9 year old freekiller down.

ps: ive seen him spray into a crowd of ts like a retard soo think about letting this kid in or NOT


Lol i've heard him talk, he sounds really mature.. Idk where you're getting your information from. We all had trouble playing CT our first few times, stop being an *******. for the most part, he has gotten pretty good at it. and bee tee dubs, if you can't even +1/-1 dont comment in the thread kthxxx

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You sir, are the only person i have seen to have played since 1.1.


I have only been playing since 1.5 for god sakes!


+1 for being an oldfag like me :3

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