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Biography Thread

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Well, I just spilled my guts out on jailbreak about my life, so I thought we could all share. I'll start:


I was born May 22 ,1998 in San Diego, Cali. My Dad was Adam Haliburton and My mom Belinda. My Dad was a Marine Sharpshooter who was in a base nearby. We ended up moving to Atlanta, GA for family and are still living there. My dad was abusive to me (hitting me if i didn't eat all my dinner, Yelling at me, ect.) That's why in I didn't care much for when he killed himself in 2005. I was 6 at the time and was told he was killed in a work accident. He actually killed himself because he was cheating on my mom with a woman and was fired from his job for being caught at work with her. We were in trouble financially for a time, then my mom got remarried to a man named Todd Callahan in November, 2007. He is currently my father at the moment and I couldn't be happier. In 2008, we went on vacation in Tennessee, when I hit my head on the side of the train. I had to get 6 stitches and still have the scar on my head. In 2009, I attempted suicide because I was a teenager and NO ONE UNDERSTOOD ME. I had to go to a Mental Hospital called Peachtree for 2 weeks and that was one of the worst times of my life because they actually FORCED me away from my family. But, from then till now, nothing eventful has really happened except I got a job at a local pets mart helping adoptions. and there you have it. 10 char.

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The first thirteen are always the most shitty. Just wait until 14 years of age. It's a utopia over there, with smiling love-spirits gently intermingling with laughing maidens who are brushing their long, golden hair while happy children bounce around the lilac fields of joy and lasting friendship.

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It gets easier the older you get. The problems change, but you learn to adjust and work with them. Currently my dad is waiting on a heart transplant, and is being kept alive by an artificial heart and a pacemaker. We found out 3 years ago that it was a genetic disorder, and I was the only one of the 3 kids to carry the gene mutation. A year later they start to see signs of the disease in me, and I don't get to play my senior season of football. One week before Christmas of last year I was officially diagnosed. I've lived knowing this disease most of my life, so it doesn't bother me too much anymore. **** gets hard, but you can always pull through, you just need to find people who truly care for you, even if they are hundreds of miles and an Internet connection away. You can pull through man, there is always a silver lining, even if it is tiny it's worth grasping for.

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Peechis, anytime you need someone to hold you hands, *sniffle* I'll be there for you, I'm going to start tracking you down so I can buy a ticket to Atlanta in case anything happens *sniffle*. Most touching story ever. You can make it, *sniffle* I believe in you, yes you can!

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Tyler, The Creator was born Tyler Anson. He was raised by his single mother, who is of Nigerian and European-Canada descent. When he was 7 years old, Tyler was known to take the covers out of an albums case and create covers for his own imaginary albums including a tracklist with song times before he could even make music. His parents consistently took his weekly allowance to help replace the album cases. At the age of 14, Tyler taught himself how to play piano.

Tyler attended thirteen different reformatory schools during his twelve years of education, including schools in Sacramento and the Los Angeles areas. Tyler is currently nominated for an MTV Video Music Award for Best New Artist and Video of the Year for "Yonkers".

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