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How many people have been promoted in the last 60 days? How many actually care and have improved any of the servers? Do they just get the title and not give a ****? Or are they to scared to enforce the rules and be the bad guy?

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It's funny I always respected you the most of the people that posted recently. That you took everything in to consideration before you commented. I appreciated that. It was like you actually cared about the issues and decided to hear both sides before you flamed.

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It's funny I always respected you the most of the people that posted recently. That you took everything in to consideration before you commented. I appreciated that. It was like you actually cared about the issues and decided to hear both sides before you flamed.


I'm agreeing with you, actually. We're just throwing moderators at the cogs and hoping that it solves problems, but we're just bogging ourselves down by making a large, unwieldy machine. Leadership is now a tenure thing; been in the clan x days? Mod! Recently rejoined and were important in the past? Mod! Did I see your name once and liked a post that you had written? Mod!


The post I linked shows in pretty humorous fashion the ridiculous extent that the problem has evolved into. Aegean (and this is not a stab at Aegean, I love the guy's airplane feedback and I was on his side during the massive *****fest a week or so ago) quite literally promoted a member he knew nothing about. Some dude who was almost permanently banned and then became inactively shortly thereafter was made a mod and nobody cared. Just think about what that means! A moderator is supposed to be a recognizable and respected authority figure, and here we are, throwing mod around like candy so much so that nobody even cared to investigate the people that were actually receiving the promotion. That's sad.


Every week we're getting three more mods, then three more mods, then three more mods, with no demotions being passed around to compensate. Everybody's mod now! In fact, being mod isn't even cool anymore, since you can't walk three feet without tripping over twenty of them, so much so that I've seen several mods remove their tags on a regular basis simply because they don't care about being recognized as an admin; after all, there's twenty others on the server, just go bother one of them.


The result of having that many mods is inefficiency. Ever heard the saying "too many cooks in the kitchen spoils the broth"? Well it's in action here. I can't go a single day of playing on the servers without watching the moderators bickering. Not only that, just about every week there's a new mod abuse thread, complaining about one of the new mods, in which other mods are actively complaining as well. There's also a lot of ban protests as well, which I think is probably thematic.


There's not a single coherent direction in the clan anymore, because we're all "in charge" of the clan servers now, and we all have our separate ideas on how to get that done. Yes, I know there are freekills in JB and morons/trolls in Minigames all the time. Just last night I watched a guy on JB freekill everyone twice and stay on CT, just because there were no moderators on. Yes, It was frustrating and it made everybody feel powerless, and yes, I wished there was a mod on at the time. We need mods to compensate for the large population xG's servers have begun to accommodate. I'm not saying that we need to have two people in charge and fire the rest, but do we really need so many, and do we need to have them propagate themselves at such ridiculous speeds? I don't think so, and I think that having these weekly and prolific promotions is negative, and I'd rather have a coherent, reasonably-sized leadership.

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I'm agreeing with you, actually. We're just throwing moderators at the cogs and hoping that it solves problems, but we're just bogging ourselves down by making a large, unwieldy machine. Leadership is now a tenure thing; been in the clan x days? Mod! Recently rejoined and were important in the past? Mod! Did I see your name once and liked a post that you had written? Mod!


The post I linked shows in pretty humorous fashion the ridiculous extent that the problem has evolved into. Aegean (and this is not a stab at Aegean, I love the guy's airplane feedback and I was on his side during the massive *****fest a week or so ago) quite literally promoted a member he knew nothing about. Some dude who was almost permanently banned and then became inactively shortly thereafter was made a mod and nobody cared. Just think about what that means! A moderator is supposed to be a recognizable and respected authority figure, and here we are, throwing mod around like candy so much so that nobody even cared to investigate the people that were actually receiving the promotion. That's sad.


Every week we're getting three more mods, then three more mods, then three more mods, with no demotions being passed around to compensate. Everybody's mod now! In fact, being mod isn't even cool anymore, since you can't walk three feet without tripping over twenty of them, so much so that I've seen several mods remove their tags on a regular basis simply because they don't care about being recognized as an admin; after all, there's twenty others on the server, just go bother one of them.


The result of having that many mods is inefficiency. Ever heard the saying "too many cooks in the kitchen spoils the broth"? Well it's in action here. I can't go a single day of playing on the servers without watching the moderators bickering. Not only that, just about every week there's a new mod abuse thread, complaining about one of the new mods, in which other mods are actively complaining as well. There's also a lot of ban protests as well, which I think is probably thematic.


There's not a single coherent direction in the clan anymore, because we're all "in charge" of the clan servers now, and we all have our separate ideas on how to get that done. Yes, I know there are freekills in JB and morons/trolls in Minigames all the time. Just last night I watched a guy on JB freekill everyone twice and stay on CT, just because there were no moderators on. Yes, It was frustrating and it made everybody feel powerless, and yes, I wished there was a mod on at the time. We need mods to compensate for the large population xG's servers have begun to accommodate. I'm not saying that we need to have two people in charge and fire the rest, but do we really need so many, and do we need to have them propagate themselves at such ridiculous speeds? I don't think so, and I think that having these weekly and prolific promotions is negative, and I'd rather have a coherent, reasonably-sized leadership.


Judas, are you some kind of god? You know the plan.


I couldnt agree any more with this:

"Every week we're getting three more mods, then three more mods, then three more mods, with no demotions being passed around to compensate. Everybody's mod now! In fact, being mod isn't even cool anymore, since you can't walk three feet without tripping over twenty of them, so much so that I've seen several mods remove their tags on a regular basis simply because they don't care about being recognized as an admin; after all, there's twenty others on the server, just go bother one of them."

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It is so funny the way things change. I did all of these things and was constantly scrutinized. The leader listened to everyone else instead of the person trying to make a change and chaos. JB the last 4 times I joined ****ing sucks. It is unregulated and has non xG members as Warden being a ****!

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personaly, i take my tag off because people already know im alway there to help. even if im playing something else. Also, we dont need more mods, we just need them on different time of the day. like me, about every day i stay on jb till 4-5 am. sometime i dont sleep. Why? because i love the servers. everytime something happens, i try fixing it. if somebody actualy dont know im mod then just ask any mods on? ill answer. And i alway hang out with the name Sergei Kozin. also, wearing xG:M tag is no longer a special title. too many people have it. i`d rather not have it on but if we ask me to put it on , Ill gladly do it. and I care about the server.

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Well I have had mod for the last 20 days roughly, and I feel like I do good. People have said I am a good mod, so I feel like I'm doing something.

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I tried being a nice mod when I first got it, explaining everything to people (why I slayed them, what rule they broke, what they should do next time) and it never stopped people from *****ing. After about a week of that I started basing my style on you Ero, because I really do think you were the best and handling things. I'm not kissing ***, but just taking care of **** and moving on the next thing without even addressing people half the time makes it easier to deal with. The servers are always populated, and it's mostly small children whose parents have lead them to believe the sun rises and sets in their ***, and that they should be treated as such. It's getting harder to play jailbreak and enjoy it, stomach it even. It's complete chaos, and no matter how many people you slay, kick, ban, there is always someone lined up right behind them that are as bad or even worse. It's sickening.

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