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This probably shouldn't be in Ban Req.

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Today in JB, me and 3 other T's were forced to do high spray by xGKevin. The map was JB_Avalanche. The two T's sprayed below the catwalk but I the smart one ventured my way to the catwalk where I was immediately killed by Kevin himself. Why must I ask? That Watson I cannot answer, but what I can tell you was I was venturing to the Catwalk to get the highest spray because he had not said "NO CHEATING" which is not implied (WTF ITS NOT IMPLIED???) Yes, it is not implied according to MOTD (7/14/11), if it is please rewrite it because as of now it isn't. It it only implied in Last Request as quoted here by the honorable Aegean who we must all love <3

NO CHEATING IS IMPLIED (Advantage to either T or CT/ Rocket Toss).
Multiple people, INCLUDING mods and admins and said "Ooohh its implied" and "Snoopy you were once a mod, you should know MOTD". I'm not saying I'm perfect but It looks to me like...I did know O.o


But back to the story, later I was killed and everyone had sprayed he repeated himself again then only saying "No clipping, no cheating" only after the 2 surving T's had finally sprayed, which ment that the order was completed, if this isn't true then I know multiple ways to abuse this loophole, but will keep to myself.


Please enjoy the following video that I have kindly provided. Oh and on the side note if anyone posts a ban request and I'm there I probably have a video of it because I actually do capture every game, so just tell me the date and I most likely might have it. Link to the video is right here MediaFire. Sorry for the length of the video I didn't want to edit it.


What am I asking in return? Nothing personally! Some of you may call me "Troll" "Douchebag" "***" "Immature", as I do value your oppinion I am only showing everyone the day in a life of Snoopy, a once valued member of this community. I do ask that the mods/admins know their rules because I was talking to a mod and they said that it was implied as a rule and stopped the investigation.


xGKevin your a great member of this community, do a your good will shall take you, and this post was not ment in any way shape or form to hurt you. If in any way I did, I am truly sorry for my actions and I do take responsibilities for them, I do hope that we can still play Counter Strike: Source together without any tension, and just be great friends :) I love you.

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Lol, after you left i slayed myself. I sent u a friend requestso i can tell you i did, but you were offline. sorry if you dont believe me if you want me to do it again i will. Just saying i thought it was implied.


---------- Post added at 05:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 PM ----------


Im also gonna dl the .dem just to see how this went down, lawl, also i love you more. only 1/4 homo

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YOU ARE SUCH A "TROLL", "DOUCHEBAG", IMMATURE" but on a serious note, you are right. no cheating is not implied unless it's LR, and it seems like everything has been resolved. (:

Thanks snoopy for clearing this up <3



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