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Am I wrong for this?

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This is a conversation that I had with Rectum Licker (aka Aaron) one regular player who is known for his CONSTANT trolling. I said in-game "If anyone mentions Soiarn and any animal that rhymes with 'mote' you will be gagged/muted/kick/ OR SERVER BANNED" A few seconds later, Aaron responded "Soiarn is a lion fvvcker" and I kicked him for the reason "trolling". He then comes back into the game and says "I SAID NOTHING ABOUT GOATS" "ADMIN ABUSE" "blah blah blah"

(paraphrasing of course). I kicked him for spamming admin chat because he KNEW why he was kicked, and he knew he shouldn't have reacted more than needed. We then have this conversation:



(watch out, language.)


Does anyone think I am wrong with this? He ALWAYS trolls people and flat out makes the server looks bad. He isn't even in xG and he is filling it with trolling. I just posted this to get other people's opinions.


PS: Xeno Gamers


PPS: I know I make many posts about people, and often complain. But honestly I only do it to help the clan grow, and keep its stability. I'm sorry if I am constantly whining. It has good intent.

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A very conscious and wise decision you have made. If I were a Co-leader I would probably promote you but that's just me. You made an act upon the goodness of the server and community, I too have noticed his major trolling which has interfered my gaming experience in the XenoGamers Community. This guy you kicked thinks he is funny by saying "I said nothing about goats", one he's making a mockery of you and disrespecting your authority and your decision to protect another player who faces constant harassment. You sir I believe made a great decision for the better of the server. You have my support all the way.


Thank You for your Service,


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u were in the right to kick him, aaron is a troll but hes not that stupid to ignore admins command, he prob thought that u knew that he was joking and didnt think he would be kicked for it.


btw aaron stop trolling soiarn, guy has enough to deal with and stop trolling in general if u want in on this clan

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eh.. he trolls everyday and spams admin chat when someone slays/gag/mutes him. I say next time he does this just ban him for a deh

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eh.. he trolls everyday and spams admin chat when someone slays/gag/mutes him. I say next time he does this just ban him for a deh


Thank you duckii, i'm mostly using this as a way to demonstrate to him that people DO get annoyed. :)

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