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Little Kids in xG !

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This is bs Peech Jr. Duckii Jr. Drank and Kevin Shady are not even old enough to play a game with this rating. They have mics, they go CT and spam constiantly. Why the **** is xG letting 10 - 13 year olds in this clan ? are you guys serious ?

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I havent done anything... i try being nice to everyone and try not to be annoying and Sakurai i thought u and me were cool...i even helped u out on stuff


---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 PM ----------


Idk why it seems like everyones suddenly bringing me up and using me as an example in there post... gahhh

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sakurai get ur **** straight, drank is 18, duckii jr is 15, kevin shady was recommended by aegean and he said that he knows the rules very well, and peechis jr is 14, we dont let 10-13 yr olds in the clan and ask an admin or mod to mute them or tell them to shut up

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I got let in when I was 13 ._.


But seriously, that whole ERSB or whatever is is not actually a law stating they can't play a game. It's a rating that recommends for different age demographics based on the game's traits.

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This is bs Peech Jr. Duckii Jr. Drank and Kevin Shady are not even old enough to play a game with this rating. They have mics, they go CT and spam constiantly. Why the **** is xG letting 10 - 13 year olds in this clan ? are you guys serious ?

I haven't been here all day :p

I think you meant Drank Jr.

I got a Jr. too now 0,o

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If your under 16 and your mature i could care less. Its the immature little kids that are annoying and /scream at the top of their lungs when something happens that they don't like is what needs to be fixed. Also btw... ESRB ratings are there as a guideline... not as a law so geegee

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sakurai get ur **** straight, drank is 18, duckii jr is 15, kevin shady was recommended by aegean and he said that he knows the rules very well, and peechis jr is 14, we dont let 10-13 yr olds in the clan and ask an admin or mod to mute them or tell them to shut up
Actully i KNOW by fact that zapper is 16.

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well now we changed the system for applications... since you guys are getting mad of these young players , its not our fault that they're in the clan. So we made it harder for people under the age 16 to get in with vouches.

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I don't have think anyone has a problem with any of these layer they follow the rules they might be retarded sometimes but still they are good member.

Besides this clan is run by kids :D


---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 PM ----------


Btw why the **** are you sticking up for zapper he trolled our own servers screaming and fighting with fellow xG members he has no right to do so.

Even if it is a joke or not I still think that this 10 year old is another kid.

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guys srsly i am only 12 yrs old so i wud lenjoy if u stop piking on anyone tat is yung because i am supr awesom thank u


Seriously? I can understand the man's complaints but I can also understand that he's going about them in the wrong way. It's not the age that he should be targetting in his 'complaints'. It's the habits. Children or not, everyone has the capacity to handle any situation in a mature, calm demeanor. Anyone can do it. However the mic spamming and the 'silliness' is a problem. Now look who's talking, am I right? I spend most of my time on Jailbreak spamming over the lead CT and on top of that making a jolly good time out of everything. However? There's a limit. There's a line. You break the limit, you cross the line. Then people get annoyed, They get offended. So while I don't agree with the man's approach to it...


I will say this. Know the line. Know the Limit.


With all of that being said? I have no problem with anyone over anything. Duckii once slayed me for a BULLLLSHIIIIITTT reason, and that caused me to slam my forehead through my $300 dollar 28 inch monitor, but.. hey. We're all good.




Edit: Nice censor, guys. Nice censor. I'm not honestly sure why it's in place. We can speak freely on the server. :l

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I agree that some people act immature but u shouldn't judge every kid under 16 just because some of them are immature. There are people over 16 who are immature as well. I'm 14 and I do my best to act mature and be respectful to everyone.

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