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1 hour ago, Dannypicacho said:

whenever I look at your profile pic I just wanna fucking grab a fistful of that shit and stuff it in my mouth and have it take me 16 years to chew that shit and have it rip my teeth off again but it'll all be worth that sweet sweet flavour of skittles

This is not what I expected when posting on this topic, but you do you. I won't judge about wanting to eat skittles. I mean I wouldn't want to rip my teeth off but you do you like I said, I do like skittles but that's quite an exaggeration, for me at least. (Not trying to sound like a H E C C when I say this btw, don't wanna sound rude)



1 hour ago, Dannypicacho said:

whenever I look at your profile pic I just wanna fucking grab a fistful of that shit and stuff it in my mouth and have it take me 16 years to chew that shit and have it rip my teeth off again but it'll all be worth that sweet sweet flavour of skittles

This is not what I expected when posting on this topic, but you do you. I won't judge about wanting to eat skittles. I mean I wouldn't want to rip my teeth off but you do you like I said, I do like skittles but that's quite an exaggeration, for me at least.



1 hour ago, Dannypicacho said:

whenever I look at your profile pic I just wanna fucking grab a fistful of that shit and stuff it in my mouth and have it take me 16 years to chew that shit and have it rip my teeth off again but it'll all be worth that sweet sweet flavour of skittles

This is not what I expected when posting on this topic, but you do you. I won't judge about wanting to eating skittles. I mean I wouldn't want to rip my teeth off but you do you like I said, I do like skittles but that's quite an exaggeration, for me at least.