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If you are trying to appeal your ban, I'm afraid it's not really coming off like that. This section is for appealing bans only. Open discussions do not happen in this forum, and you really shouldn't be throwing others under the bus for your own impudence, as it's not the faults of Box or others that you shittalked today, you made the conscious decision to do it. Develop some self-control, please.

On top of that, I gave you 5-6 chances to change that. You initially did after the first 2, but the last 3-4 seemed to have gone unlistened to. During this time, Box nor any of the other players online attempted to enable you to do this.

Please elaborate why you should be unbanned, and if this post was not for you to get unbanned, then that's a really dumb move on your part. :l



If you are trying to appeal your ban, I'm afraid it's not really coming off like that. This section is for appealing bans only. Open discussions do not happen in this forum, and you really shouldn't be throwing others under the bus for your own impudence, as it's not the faults of Box or others that you shittalked today, you made the conscious decision to do it. Develop some self-control capabilities.

On top of that, I gave you 5-6 chances to change that. You initially did after the first 2, but the last 3-4 seemed to have gone unlistened to. During this time, Box nor any of the other players online attempted to enable you to do this.

Please elaborate why you should be unbanned, and if this post was not for you to get unbanned, then that's a really dumb move on your part. :l



If you are trying to appeal your ban, I'm afraid it's not really coming off like that. This section is for appealing bans only. Open discussions do not happen in this forum, and you really shouldn't be throwing others under the bus for your own impudence, as it's not the faults of Box or others that you shittalked today, you made the conscious decision to do it. Develop some self-control capabilities.

On top of that, I gave you 5-6 chances to change that.

Please elaborate why you should be unbanned, and if this post was not for you to get unbanned, then that's a really dumb move on your part. :l

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