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Xeno Gamers on Youtube?!

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Hey, SliperyF(ingers) here ^_^


None of you probably know that i am an editor on youtube, i have around 335 subscribers last time i checked, i am just recovering from being hacked so i have 335/1361 old subs. I was just wondering if anyone was considering an Xeno Gamers channel on youtube, i could edit almost anything you want, here is a older edit of mine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsmF3gKOeBs

Please excuse the "uploader comments" as my friend though he was tough on my computer, if you want anything done, respond to this fourm and ill get back to you ^_^


(I also do web design, commentary, photoshop, and a little bit of my own games that ive made)


-Thank You <3

Slipery Fingers

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Hey, SliperyF(ingers) here ^_^


None of you probably know that i am an editor on youtube, i have around 335 subscribers last time i checked, i am just recovering from being hacked so i have 335/1361 old subs. I was just wondering if anyone was considering an Xeno Gamers channel on youtube, i could edit almost anything you want, here is a older edit of mine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsmF3gKOeBs

Please excuse the "uploader comments" as my friend though he was tough on my computer, if you want anything done, respond to this fourm and ill get back to you ^_^


(I also do web design, commentary, photoshop, and a little bit of my own games that ive made)


-Thank You <3

Slipery Fingers

You also need to STFU and stop being 12 and stop poking you ♥♥♥♥ where it dont belong.

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Erm i was asking if anyone wanted to make an Xeno Gamers Youtube channel. I do find it funny that your telling "me" to stop "poking my ♥♥♥♥ where it DONT belong" yet you come onto this fourm where trolling is not wanted and troll to your hearts content. It really is people like you that ruin perfectly fine communitys.

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Erm i was asking if anyone wanted to make an Xeno Gamers Youtube channel. I do find it funny that your telling "me" to stop "poking my ♥♥♥♥ where it DONT belong" yet you come onto this fourm where trolling is not wanted and troll to your hearts content. It really is people like you that ruin perfectly fine communitys.
Really? 1 We already got an xG youtube. 2 your ♥♥♥♥ing 12 and saying you do commentarys and such,Im ruining this community? Your the ♥♥♥♥ing unwanted 12 year old whos one of the reasons Duckii Jr quit cuz of all the 8 year old trolls joining xG.This was a fine community until immature little brats like you showed up

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Ahah im acting immature, ooh and by the way (btw in your terms) im not 12 so you can scratch that off of your list of over used come backs.
like i said in the other thread,your an immature little brat who says "ahah" when their braking down and crying in real life.

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Rexx, do not disrespect slippery for something he is doing with an obvious good intention. You will be banned from forums if you continue. If you see that he is trolling or something, post on the forums with proof. If not, stop talking in this manner because it is not respected in our community.

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rexx wtf was that for? hes asking politely if we have a youtube channel, cause he would offer to use his channel to help xg and u just go and completely attack him for no reason. this is why ur not getting mod, now stop asking for it before i post a member abuse thread and post the pics of the steam chat that we had. it also includes your fail trolling

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Thank you Aegean, and to rexx i never mean't any disrespect. As i even said in this whole argument, "I would much rather be friends with you rather than fight, and argue" i'm shure that other people don't want to read us arguing, so for the good of the fourm, should we stop this between eachother? Well this is my appoligy, weather you are to accept it or not, it is your decesion.

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