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you keep B U M P ing this thread, it is very anoying, stop it


But you making 10000 different threads is A OK? lol and just because he did sign thing for xG doesn't mean he stole the idea from you =P


Anyways, +1 from me to you :3 Your a cool guy & would be a great addition to the clan

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just because he did sign thing for xG doesn't mean he stole the idea from you =P


No i am saying that it can be made DIRECTLY on the site, i am working on my rough draft pencil sketches for mine right now.

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just because he did sign thing for xG doesn't mean he stole the idea from you =P


No i am saying that it can be made DIRECTLY on the site, i am working on my rough draft pencil sketches for mine right now.


Your such a hater, I made all of it in Photoshop, people like you are complete trolls and have no respect for new members. I spent my time making a logo and I get trashed by you constantly about it. I stole nothing and I have the complete photoshop file to prove it so F off.


Edit: If you keep think I am stealing stuff how about you make something instead of saying you are.

Edit 2: Your site link doesn't even work.

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Do you really think that i was trolling you? I have no disrespect towards you what so ever, want me to troll you? You mad bro? Your really shut in aren't ya? On the point of disrespect, what did i say to insult you what so ever? I didn't comment on your religous beliefs/views, your opinion of things, or your race/gender? No, i was stating, and SHOWING proof that the symbole is on a some what popular website. It could have been very easy to copy from that, and since you are offering, upload that PS file and send it to me.

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