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OMGWTFBBQ Why Aren't You Playing Yet?!?!

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so, for those of you who are curious as to what game I'm talking about... be curious no more! I'm talking about League of Legends! (<-------- incase you couldn't tell that was a hyperlink to my referral, yes I'm that guy.)



and with the new update that just came out, Dominion, the brand new game mode is in beta right now! dominion is basically a domination type game mode with 5 CPs or control points taking LoL into a much more PvP based mode, it comes with a new map items and spells!

(no i am not a salesperson i just love the game!)


and finally why isn't there a group of xG people that play? we should make a section on the forums so we can all exchange our summoner names and play some ranked queues together :D (ranked is when you are lvl 30 [the cap] and play with only lvl 30s of your skill lvl)

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WHY NOT?!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


:) thank you for your time in reading this!



P.S. If you already play and you don't have me added why the hell not? im lvl 30 with quite a few champions and am a pretty decent player, better than the average joe now that i have played for a while. add me up, my summoner name is: ChronosNite

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