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Is this abuse?

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Okay so the warden Goes Take one step out of ur cell blah blah do a 180 and stuff like that, and then do an AFK FREEZE. (AFK FREEZE)

Alright so some ppl die ofcourse for not doing the correct thing, and a fellow T gets a gun in his hands.

So his decides to do a 180 drop the gun without permission, i killed him, and an ADMIN slayed me for that.

What for? No1 asked him to drop the wep, its till an Afk Freeze Still A Gun check, why would u just do that without anyone knowing + it was UNholstered.

Whats up with that...

Then he trolls me but ofc i have no proof saying that im a blah blah im a , i was just dropping my wep brahh.. and sht like that.




So yeeah is that abuse ? or is that part of the new rules.

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It was abuse, everything was discussed and everything is fine now. I hope everyone reads MOTD carefully so things like this don't happen again.


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