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Surf map in the works

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Its JOKER here and with being laid off recently and having alot of free time on my hands, i decided to dust off hammer and give her some love. I used to map alot years ago but it looks like i still havn't lost my touch. This is just a small preview of about 6 hours of work, mostly spent in hammer. I havn't decided on what textures yet but i'm kinda liking the developers im using. There will be alot of easter eggs and secrets :D. Tell me what you think and any suggestions are welcome.






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Dont take it as hostility, but how can you determine its an "exact" replica of another map by 2 little screen shots? It's only the starting area which is a very small portion. I could look at surf forbidden and say the first ramp is an exact replica of surf 10x reloaded. A surf map is just a number of connected and unconnected ramps in random fashion. Now as for surf matrix, I can't picture what it looks like. But if it turns out to be EXACTLY the same, ill rework mine. Now, onto my map.


Ive gotten called out to work about 2 hours hours away from home for 7 12s, so the map will be out on hold (along with everything else) til the job ends in 2-3 weeks. This is bad but in a way good because I now have a lot of time to think about the map. I'm finding it difficult to come up with a jail that I like and one that doesn't resemble another map. I'm a big fan of the true jails where you get a better spot if you complete a harder part of the map. I'm thinking I'm going to go with a knife only jail, but that would almost defeat the purpose of having guns through out the map. The jail will probobly be were most of the players spend their time, so it will be where I spend most of my time making the map.

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