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War 3 Balance complaint thread

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Ok so this topic will be dedicated to the "balance issues of the Warcraft 3 server"



#1:The combination of Shadow Hunter and Human Alliance(The reason this being bugged is when you are a shadow hunter, you have the ability to heal team-mates around you, to the human alliance part you get a health buff that can grant you up to 150 hp, with health over 100 this causes a bug were you are able to get up to 300hp with human alliance.

#2:Human alliance With the shop item Periapt of health and the combination of his passive health buff you are able to get up to 200hp

Fix: Restrict shop item periapt of health to human alliance.


#3 Shadow hunter's spell Serpent wards- These are a very defensive spell that causes Damage over time when you walk threw them slowing the enemy aswell as doing massive d.o.t If placed properly, Getting 4 of them they are extremely effective on small based maps, or objective game types. At it's max level you are able to place up to 4 serpent wards disappearing on death. For this to be balanced i believe the class should be limited to 2 wards, with a damage increase on them, Or doing more damage when walking threw and disabling the slow effect when walking threw.


#4 Orcish horde- I am not sure if i am the only way to complain about this (i complain alot) The orcish hordes third spell reincarnation is a very offensive spell allowing the player to have up to an 80% chance to re spawn at level 4,

Fix: The percentage on this class should be lowered to a 65-70% chance to re spawn at level 4


#5 Corrupted disciple- Being the only 1 who played this class so far makes it clear why it is a level 80 class, It's ultimate Overload Causes a 30seconds D.o.T to the closest enemy with the lowest hp around him. causing massive damage with the correct gun\aim,

Fix:The class should be changed to a knife only race restricting all guns from it.

To fix this class it should have it's 3rd spell Removed from "chance to heal nearby ally of self after damage has been inflicted, To a speed bonuses with the following percentages, Level 1 5% faster move speed, level 2 10% faster move speed, level 3 25% faster move speed, and level 4 50% faster move speed. with this being said a shop item to restrict would be Boots of speed.


#6 Warden- Warden is a very powerful offensive class. With the ability to use "mole" (teleport) to the enemy spawn disguised as 1 of them for a short duration, allowing a good kill set up, The reason this class is "over powered" Is the way 2 of his ability's work "fan of knives aka mole" and vengeance "re spawn on death" The way you use these two skills together is you have your chance to mole in the beginning of every round, you do so and if you get killed you re spawn after your death. Then you wait another 20seconds and you have your ultimate again as long as your not the last 1 alive you can re spawn again and again as long as the ultimate is not in cool down. making it a very annoying\overpowered class.

Fix: Allow only 1 re spawn after death with full hp instead of half.


that's all i can think of for now hopefully these problems\suggestions get implemented or fixed,Any thing you guys can think of be sure to post or pm me and i will post it for you! Thanks.

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