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RS Clan

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i wanted to post this to any rs players that are in xenogamers that i will be seting up an RS clan for us! i encurage any game admins/mods to atleast sign up for an rs account and get past tutorials. STEAM NAMES NOT REQUIRED! if you dont know what rs is or what it could stand for chances are that you have not heard of it or played it. it's runescape.


i need atleast 4 members to help me start the clan ingame. and any extras are welcome to come.

if you plan to attend and help start this here are the plans!


we will all be in team speak room 18 and will be meeting in world 87 south of fally to sign the charter.

TIME 2:00 pm est tomrow 10/22/11.


my ingame name in rs is sybergoose


i will be the leader of the ingame clan

and those who sign the starting charter in game to start the clan will all be mod rank atleast!


there will have to be a rank conversion and ill make that chart tomrow and the ranks will be given out like any other game in xg.


use this thred to rsvp for the event and even make a rank request if you want. Please post youre RS name if you are attending!

any one will be alowed to join in game. but must be in the fourms to get a proper rank.


the rank chart is as folows.


Leader : owner

Co leader : Deputy Owner

Division Leader : Overseer

Admin : Coordinator

Mod : Organiser

xg vip :General

xg :rank Captain

all others : Recruit - Lieutenant (given based on work for clan but Lieutenant max for non xg members.)




the main goal will be building us a clan cathedral to hang out in and benifit from it.


combatlevels are not required to join but they do make us look stronger.


plz post if you will help make this clan. i prefer to do it with friends than making it with some random noobs and risk disbanishment. (all of XG is my friend)

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Runescape? You, sir, have lost all credibility. Are you SURE you aren't 12? lol anyways you should have asked me about using the xG name :P


im sorry but i have to agree with this....i could find maybe 1 million other games before i even start to think of playing runescape.......

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