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Accused for gun planting

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Ok so the warden gave orders to T's to go to medic room and as they entered someone was door spamming so some T's were out side and there was alot of weapons on the floor so i didnt want them to rebel i shot a assult rifle out of the way and High Plains Drifter jumped in to it and killed me and then as soon as he was killed he team banned me for 1 day and said saying i was "Gun Planting T's" i told him it was an accident and he said "Well then you should go use this time to read the MOTD" whitch i have read several times. Many also know that i RARELY break the rules. all i said was this was too harsh of a punishment but he would not listen and just said "I AM DONE WITH YOU!". Not only that but [xG:M] kennY [DC] (kenny i have nothing wrong against you im just saying) pardoned someone from a competion and was accused for favortism and he had no punishment. Because hes an Admin. Kenny never got a punishment but i did for an accident.

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Im not saying to ban him im just saying i think that was too harsh of a punishment. I dont understand why he would Ct ban me for a whole day i RARELY break the rules.

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Having you say "Ask <insert name here> they were there" is not proof.... also, if high plains interperted something as a gunplant, it's a gunplant, simple as that... You shot the gun, it went into him, it is technically gunplant, and so what if he said "I'M DONE WITH YOUquot; You were probably getting on his nerves and telling you to drop it, but knowing you, and that you ARE a troll, you probably continued... -1

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He told me to take it to the Forums, and i take high offence to being called a troll, i never like to troll, and i am nice to almost everyone but thanks anyways for the comment..

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Yo, give him another chance highplains isn't known to make many mistakes, but i didn't see it so i cant really judge anything everyone deserves a 2nd chance and kermit is a great warden

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Perhaps I was a bit harsh to CT ban for a day, but the way I saw it is this: I was crouching toward the gun. You were standing behind the gun. You looked at it, then at me. You positioned yourself to aim at me, and shot the gun into my hands. Maybe it wasn't on purpose. Maybe it was. That is just what I saw, and I acted accordingly. I was a bit hasty in my angry typing (lol), I admit, but being an admin on a nearly full server is stressful work and you were distracting/annoying me. I apologize for my rudeness, but I stand by my decision.

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Where am i supposed to post it? im sorry if i posted in the wrong place i dont want anyone banned.


---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 PM ----------


Highplains yu know what i dont care anymore yur admin no matter what i do it wont change my ban, thanks anyways.

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