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New games in JB

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Ok, so i'm sure that i'm not the only one who would rather there be more games in MOTD so that our days can be more creative, WITHOUT having to need an admin online to give the OK. The admins have lives too, so they can't always be there. So, i'm making this threat with the intent being to post suggestions of what you might want to see in MOTD. Maybe if we get enough good ideas, they might be added in.


I would ALSO like to suggest that there be a rule in MOTD that says you MUST announce that you are playing a game before playing AND announce that they are no longer playing it, rather than having a warden just randomly say 'Last reaction jump" And expecting the Ts to comply. I haven't double checked to see if it's in there, but I've seen it happen so often that I'd imagine it isn't, excluding Simon Says.


Now, for new games, I've got a few in mind here.


"Direction game" (for lack of a better name)


The warden has Ts line up or spread out. The Ts must face a single direction, being north, south, east, or west (Directions would probably be based off of walls in the room) The warden then calls out a direction. Any Ts that are facing that direction are then killed. Then the warden lets the Ts pick a new direction, while he picks one to call out. The Ts are allowed to SLIGHTLY use WASD to adjust themselves, since in CS, sometimes the head of a person will turn but not the body.


"Terrorist Season (Duck hunt)"


The Ts are given two locations that they must run back and forth from. Each time they go from one place to the other, it is considered a "round". Only one (maybe two, depending on how many Ts there are) CT is allowed to fire, and they may only fire once (You'd generally play this game with an AWP) This could also be done in pool, with the terrorists jumping off the high diving boards.



"Angry ball"


A death soccer game. The Ts remain in death soccer, while ONE CT with an Awp shoots the ball at random intervals. Ts may knife the ball. The CT MUST aim for the ball, and If the CT hits a terrorist, the game must end. Whether or not the CT is to be slayed is subject to change.

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I know a few wardens who play Duck Hunt rarely, I love when we play that game :D The direction game seems fun, but for some reason I can see how some T can be confused cause who knows if they mean the wardens view or T's view which might lead to some freekills and complaints saying "I WAS FACING NORTH! FREEKILL! SLAY HIM! BAN HIM! GTFO!!!!!11!!" Angry Ball I think it may not happen cause CT's arn't allowed to shoot at the ball no matter what if I can recall unless it went out of the stadium

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@ pyro, what i think would be a good idea to fix it is to say something along the lines of "okay, we are now going to play the direction game! (in the case of avalanche because it is what i remember most in terms of map awareness so lets say you have them line up in the water box outside cells.) now North will be the cell wall, south is Ski, if you cant figure the rest out you are incompetent and should slap yourself... but here they are anyway, climb is east and 1v100 is west."

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+1 for new games cause you know duck hunt seems like a copyright of the game sharks and minoes and also direction game should be given a short simple name " Compass " and also i would agree with the death soccer game as a good idea :)

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having warden callin start/end of each game is a fantastic idea!! Should bbe put on the motd as soon as possible +1<---- not sure i understand the direction thing but duck hunt is a pretty descent game. Forum section to discuss JB mini game types?? (i tink so) =D

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having warden callin start/end of each game is a fantastic idea!! Should bbe put on the motd as soon as possible +1<---- not sure i understand the direction thing but duck hunt is a pretty descent game. Forum section to discuss JB mini game types?? (i tink so) =D


The direction game is basically this. Except the warden types the direction ahead of time into CT chat.



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Another one would be a map specific game, on Lunar. Give the Ts 5 seconds to pick fridges. Close em up once they're in. A CT who didnt witness them go into the fridges comes and picks a fridge and opens up on it. Repeat

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