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I'm not leaving, persay...

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I recently didn't do as well as I was hoping to make an academic turnaround from my previous years, So i will be taking the next month or two away from gaming if possible, I may pop in once or twice but until I get my next grade report I will not be playing nearly as much (and at that matter I was only playing on weekends too! =x) to those who supported me on my moderator application thank you very much, to those who did not approve of my request, I ask that you take this time to forget me so I may start anew with you when I return, I will be playing over my vacation periods that will be coming up, however not Thanksgiving break as I will be out of town on a family trip.


once again thanks to those who supported me, and as of now I will be taking a couple months break from the gaming world... I however will still check in on the forums every once in a while to see how things are going!



Live long and prosper!

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I'll definitely be around on the forums because I love you guys like a fat kid loves... Chocolate???? CHOCOLATE??? CHOCOLATE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

but as for steam and CSS no not for the next 2 months, when i receive my grades I will probably come back.

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:( I'm depressed nobody pointed out my spongebob reference... but yeah man ♥♥♥♥ gets stressful, and then all the ♥♥♥♥ing drama of just everyday life at school is pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ too...

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Oh no, It's not like im restricted from playing... well I am, I restricted myself because I screwed around so much my first 2 years of HS just having the generic rebellious phase and making some friends I probably shouldn't have... that now I need to earn atleast a 4.0 GPA both semesters of this senior year to graduate, and luckily it is only the quarter right now, but I have a 3.0 and doing math, I have 7 classes, 0-6 periods. 7*4 = 28, 1 AP class which is weighted meaning A=5 B=4 C=3 D=1 F=0, unfortunately i am currently with a D in english since i neglected to do our major paper for the quarter, (it was an F on the quarter grade report) a C in AP Statistics. A in all 3 electives (theatre 4 cuz im a bawss, Video Production 3 [ which is our schools announcements {we do ours on TV cuz we are legit}], and Culinary Arts 3 [it would be 4 but they don't allow freshman to take it]) C in Biology (im taking bio again cuz i failed it freshman year and didn't bother to retake it, instead i took chem and physics), A in government. doing math where everything but my stats is normal GPA scale. i have 21 points, divided by 3 is 3.0 exactly. now that means that every class I have to raise my grade 1 letter (already did in english but i could use a few more since I cant raise an A in other classes, and bringing my AP stats grade up to compensate what I cannot raise in time.



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take it from someone who played alot of video games in highschool when he should have been studying; adderall and double brewed coffee do wonders.


a good rule to live by that will take you far in college, and potentially life is:

if you weren't willing to give up sleep for it, it probably wasn't that important to you.


with a full load of AP/Honors classes my senior year coupled with frequent drug use and video gaming, I pulled atleast 1 all nighter a week because the grades were that important to me.


I'm not saying you absolutely need to be studying 24/7 and staying up all night, because you don't and mine was a very isolated case ( i have severe procrastination and im an idiot ).


But if you have no time, you need to make time for yourself.


Plus sleep deprivation is almost as good as doin' drugs.


4.0 or bust. Do it for America's future.

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