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@freekill dont work

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I get freekilled most of the rounds i play on xG and i type @freekill but admins never do ♥♥♥♥ they dont even respond. Da hell is going on?

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Firstly, you have to type it into team chat.


By typing with @ At the start, you go into "admin chat" So all the admins can see what you say. What you really want to type is, for example


@freekiller ShakeNBake I was already out of my cell


Start with the @, type freekill so admins know its about a freekill, then give a description about the nature of the freekill.

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A mod/admin has to witness the freekill in order to slay. By reporting a freekiller what we do is pay attention to that person for the next few rounds, watching to see if they freekill again.


If we took everyone's word every time someone typed @freekill then the server would be chaos. People would report for laughs, innocent CTs would be slain.


We do the best we can, but when we also have to deal with spamming and trolls our jobs are very difficult. Remember, we want to play, too.


So maybe if you cut down on the spamming we can watch for freekillers more.

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the freekill thing is more of a notification than a way to have someone slayed for freekilling, look at it this way, if we get like 1 report of some ct that freekilled someone, generally we wont do anything about it unless (there are like 10 ppl on the server, a lot easier to manage, 30 players is a different story) because its a one time occurrence and we usually have more important things to worry about, BUT if we get multiple reports from different ppl about the same ct freekilling, then we have someone spectate and watch that ct to see if he is freekilling and take action accordingly, just dont spam admin chat or bug admins about someone freekilling

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