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I'd just like to say one thing to all of these comments your calling me immature and your all repeating what Serbian said i understand that you don't like that but does it really show maturity to constantly say F**k and Sh**.

To quote snackbar

all you did was spam the ♥♥♥♥ out of our forums even after i repeatedly told you to stop posting useless garbage.



Not the nicest thing in the world and i'm pretty sure the part about GTFO is disrespecting a xG member i'm just saying...

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I'd just like to say one thing to all of these comments your calling me immature and your all repeating what Serbian said i understand that you don't like that but does it really show maturity to constantly say F**k and Sh**.

To quote snackbar

all you did was spam the ♥♥♥♥ out of our forums even after i repeatedly told you to stop posting useless garbage.



Not the nicest thing in the world and i'm pretty sure the part about GTFO is disrespecting a xG member i'm just saying...



I gave you quite the number of chances to stop the immature ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you were posting everywhere on the forums, and you completely ignored what I said, and now in your defense, you're gonna single me out and call ME immature for being annoyed and frustrated by your juvenile actions?


Im not sorry. There are 12 to 13 year olds in this clan and on this server that have a better grasp on the rules that you do, and are able to comprehend the simple task of following them and setting an example to non-members as well as upholding our image that makes us appealing to other gamers. When people come to our forums, (most notably MATURE gamers) and they see that ♥♥♥♥, what are they going to think? They're going to look at us like were a joke and play somewhere else. There are a set of rules that need to be followed that you have flat out IGNORED as if you were above the law and they didn't pertain to you, i.e NO FORUM SPAM, and you must donate in order to apply for mod. Even after I told you to cut it out, you ignored me and continued to act like you're 10.


I stand by what I said, you can barely show an ounce of maturity on the forums its amazing you can follow the rules in the server, you sure as hell dont act like a member of this clan should and therefore, Im going to voice my opinion. I didnt call you a single derogatory name and I didnt aim any insult to you other than to GTFO of the member submission forums, which judging by the overwhelming number of people who also feel you should have NO part enforcing the rules you yourself are too ignorant to follow have proven by repeatedly -1 ing you.


Ignore me, ignore the rules, INSULT THE CLAN by your moronic actions as if no one is paying attention and you're damn right ill be the first to tell you to GTFO.


We dont need another troll here we got rid of them all months ago.


Read the forums rules sticky at the beginning of each sub forum you post in before you post and maybe people will accept you a little better.


You also lost more points in my book by calling ME out here. Instead of admitting your actions and saying something along the lines of "Im sorry guys, I know I was told not to spam and I did anyway, and obviously have no idea what the forums rules are, nor the rules for applying mod, therefore I will acclimate myself better to my surroundings and make an honest effort to be more useful in the community by posting legitimate topics comments and ideas to further better this place in the hopes of one day attaining mod with the sole purpose of enforcing these rules" (Like a MATURE person would) you instead point the finger at ME and cry disrespect.


Theres a forum for member disrespect, go post there.

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Sense you decided to spend 20 minutes writing out a long heart filled confessing your true love for me i'm going to acknowledge your heart filled message with a little insight.


Page 2 post 1 from you is


♥♥♥♥ no.


all you did was spam the ♥♥♥♥ out of our forums even after i repeatedly told you to stop posting useless garbage.




Page 2 post 2 from you of course Holy ♥♥♥♥ so funny


This thread may or may not


Gueush what


Whats your favorite STD


This is the thread where i talk to me.


This thread is for everyone i love.


I love you you love me


Who wants to talk?


Did you know that im alive?


Who the **** is batman?



As I said before GTFO


If you refer to your post 1 it clearly says "even after i repeatedly told you to stop posting useless garbage."

I looked at all of those posts and not once did i see a comment from you telling me to stop posting.

During are conversation you kindly pointed out this one

You are so cool canadia

But i believe that is only one not "reapeatedly"

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Wow you guys ... alright get it he spammed and can be a little annoying at times...you guys could of said it a lot nicer or just not at all. Kinda disappointed to see such negative comments..cmon. He can be a good guy...sure I can see why he is not ready for mod..(and I am sorry but I do not think your ready eather) but you guys don't have to be all raged and so meen about it.

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Jack Sparrow [xG]: ah well thats good for you 23 and playing css

Jack Sparrow [xG]: im so proud of you

Jack Sparrow [xG]: your mother would be jealous



Hence why I flipped.


Theres plenty more.


Keep being butthurt that youre not getting mod kiddo.


Snackbar out.


---------- Post added at 11:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 PM ----------


Wow you guys ... alright get it he spammed and can be a little annoying at times...you guys could of said it a lot nicer or just not at all. Kinda disappointed to see such negative comments..cmon. He can be a good guy...sure I can see why he is not ready for mod..(and I am sorry but I do not think your ready eather) but you guys don't have to be all raged and so meen about it.



I did almost say nothing at all, until he singled me out, chrono and carissm both swore before I did, but my post was the one he wanted to quote, THEN i spoke my mind. Im done on the matter, I know that If i would have said the things he was saying to me in steam chat, Id probably be banned. Im NOT sorry ONE BIT.


Im not gonna say another word Im already frustrated and annoyed enough by a 15 year old CHILD.

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[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: I responded you you calling me out in your mod thread. You should go see what I have to say. I was gonna not bring anything up until you felt the need to quote me specifically.

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: responded to*

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: Jacksparrow

Jack Sparrow [xG]: i just looked at all the fourm links on the second page that you linked i did not see 1 post from you telling me to stop posting

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: Alright lemme find it

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: if you wanna play this game with me lets play kiddo.

Jack Sparrow [xG]: lets dance

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: youre adorable lol. Enjoy not having mod by the way seems the community just loves you.

Jack Sparrow [xG]: no seriously where do you live ill sign us up for a dance class

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: Pittsburgh PA.

Jack Sparrow [xG]: kk

Jack Sparrow [xG]: ill fly out there once i get the money

Jack Sparrow [xG]: what type of dance class you wanna sign up for

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: Whichever one involves me not going and you doing it by yourself, then getting your ♥♥♥ beat by a bunch of kids as you leave in a tutu.

Jack Sparrow [xG]: why dont you want to do to a dance class with me?

Jack Sparrow [xG]: you find those posts yet?

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: Because youre an annoying 15 year old child who shows not an ounce of maturity and tries to act cool on the internet bc kids his age in real life hate him.

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: heres one where i call you a spammer and predict your forthcoming mod submission : You are so cool canadia

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: instead of me coming the internet to prove myself to you, why not grow up and read the rules?

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: combing*

Jack Sparrow [xG]: Jacksparrow i made this for you

Jack Sparrow [xG]: ah but you decided to spend the time to find 1

Jack Sparrow [xG]: which took you 10 minutes

Jack Sparrow [xG]: i do not believe you could find another one

Jack Sparrow [xG]: so you give up

Jack Sparrow [xG]: and you realize you were wrong

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: I have 10 other people im tlaking to as well as doing my own thing lol

Jack Sparrow [xG]: you're giving up because you realize you cant find another one

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: LOL

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: Yep thats what im doing, you caught me

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: OH NOES

Jack Sparrow [xG]: yes so Jacksparrow

Jack Sparrow [xG]: ive basicly unvaliadated your posts

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: Enjoy having mod kiddo. oh wait lol

Jack Sparrow [xG]: ah well thats good for you 23 and playing css

Jack Sparrow [xG]: im so proud of you

Jack Sparrow [xG]: your mother would be jealous

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: If you were standing in front of you, you wouldnt have the ♥♥♥♥ing BALLS to speak your mind to me, youre hurting my feelings dear keyboard assassin, please dont mention my mother,

Jack Sparrow [xG]: ah

Jack Sparrow [xG]: it doesnt matter what i wouldnt do

Jack Sparrow [xG]: it matters what i would do

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: Also, I make 60k a year at 23, and im published in magazines and I tour with huge bands, my mother is DAMN ♥♥♥♥ING PROUND

Jack Sparrow [xG]: good for you

Jack Sparrow [xG]: send me a pictue please

Jack Sparrow [xG]: of one of those bands

Jack Sparrow [xG]: and u

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: Sure hold on

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: you on facebook? I have pictures of me tattooing bands like against me, dropkick murphys, authority zero, pepper, pennywise, anti flag, clutch, lionize

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: and on tour with lionzie, authority zero, and kottonmouth kings

Jack Sparrow [xG]: i have never heard of those people maybe its cause im not a big music guy

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: ask anyone in xG lol

Jack Sparrow [xG]: you know just go select one of your pictures

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: google them

Jack Sparrow [xG]: then right click

Jack Sparrow [xG]: and copy url

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: ok one sec, what kind of picture do you want me tattooinbg someone famous or on tour?

Jack Sparrow [xG]: up to you

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: kk ill send a bunch

Jack Sparrow [xG]: just 1 will do

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/155100_154359084610669_100001097351982_254017_901415_a.jpg

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/74674_154359464610631_100001097351982_254023_7477430_n.jpg

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/63502_154360381277206_100001097351982_254033_5189164_a.jpg

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/154207_154368087943102_100001097351982_254084_2481676_n.jpg

Jack Sparrow [xG]: the 3rd one are you the one with the bandana?

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/155656_154436177936293_100001097351982_254413_4178407_a.jpg

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: yep

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/63661_151351521578092_100001097351982_240197_1471387_a.jpg

Jack Sparrow [xG]: well good for you

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/312117_237719666274610_100001097351982_643431_1476251230_n.jpg

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/303036_243325582380685_100001097351982_660457_1434460717_a.jpg

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/297543_244925572220686_100001097351982_665566_47357812_a.jpg

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/295771_254876461225597_100001097351982_696692_1858374022_a.jpg

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/264653_205715692808341_100001097351982_537800_5746277_n.jpg

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/47599_154356901277554_100001097351982_254006_2151295_a.jpg

Jack Sparrow [xG]: i get it

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/155140_154357487944162_100001097351982_254008_7135223_a.jpg

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/156653_154360534610524_100001097351982_254034_1223393_a.jpg

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/71996_154360907943820_100001097351982_254036_8312225_a.jpg

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/156819_154367577943153_100001097351982_254078_3709466_a.jpg

Jack Sparrow [xG]: please stop spamming me

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/165745_164276710285573_100001097351982_308562_553304_a.jpg

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: o sorry

Jack Sparrow [xG]: thank you

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: Do you know who Kurt Angle is?

Jack Sparrow [xG]: i do not

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: super famous professional wrestling....wrestling is lame, but im tattooing him december 4th. Ive been published in 4 different tattoo magazines as well, Prick, Tattoo Mag, and twice in Savage. I got no need to lie about what I do.

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: wrestler*

Jack Sparrow [xG]: im gonna go for now lets pick up this conversation later

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: wait one sec

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: read this thread

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: Server reset

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX]: youll see what happens when people call me a liar.....and how everyone knows what I do

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX] is now Away.

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX] is now Online.

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX] is now playing Counter-Strike: Source. Click here to join.

[xG:M] Admiral Snackbar [snX] is now playing Counter-Strike: Source. Click here to join.

There is that conversation

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