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Yeah I got my sh*t straight guys and I've Changed alot aha.

I re-read MOTD every 3 days. jut to check if rules changed.

I dont really have much more to say but yeah. hopefully i get in right? lol i been with xG since september and im still not in. lol :P


BTW if your wondering how i played this game for 5 yrs on and off its cause i have 2 steam accounts, my other is Kyle Drinks Kool-aid Jammers

i currently cant access this account though due to some technical difficulties (♥♥♥♥ign steam sent my code to wrong email adress!)

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I got a question, why'd you flip at me on your last submission?

also by E.Z grow some ♥♥♥♥ing bawls and quit trolling you man child. changing your +1 to -1 that's ♥♥♥♥ing horse ♥♥♥♥, you did the exact same thing, you trolled and whined like a ♥♥♥♥ing ♥♥♥♥♥ baby when you weren't a mod. gtfo

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e.z kill i was talking to tarin lmao i forgot to put a period after your name, i was jut saying i saw you and smoker saying that tarin trolled alot and shouldnt even be a mod he wasnt on for the 2 months b4 he applied and lots of ppl dislike him for certain reasons

and chickenlips i never see you on man. so dont even -1 me if you dont even see me. read the ♥♥♥♥ing vouching + app by duckkii b4 vouching bro.


---------- Post added at 12:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 AM ----------


"You said you've been here since September and I've barely seen you play. -1"


There should be no -1 on any app at all with the following reasons - "Haven't seen you" - "Not Active" - "Told by another member" - "Asked me to vouch" ect.

(more may be added soon)

There is no reason for you to because any of these reasons. I would like to ask you a question - Have you had time to talk with this person or played with him/her for sometime?

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e.z kill i was talking to tarin lmao i forgot to put a period after your name, i was jut saying i saw you and smoker saying that tarin trolled alot and shouldnt even be a mod he wasnt on for the 2 months b4 he applied and lots of ppl dislike him for certain reasons

and chickenlips i never see you on man. so dont even -1 me if you dont even see me. read the ♥♥♥♥ing vouching + app by duckkii b4 vouching bro.


---------- Post added at 12:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 AM ----------


"You said you've been here since September and I've barely seen you play. -1"


There should be no -1 on any app at all with the following reasons - "Haven't seen you" - "Not Active" - "Told by another member" - "Asked me to vouch" ect.

(more may be added soon)

There is no reason for you to because any of these reasons. I would like to ask you a question - Have you had time to talk with this person or played with him/her for sometime?


If you could read, you'd be able to see that I also -1'd because when I have seen you, you trolled and were obnoxious. I have seen you play.

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You said you've been here since September and I've barely seen you play. -1 because you troll and I doubt you changed in such a short amount of time.


This. Once a troll, always a troll...its been proven...so -1

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