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Ban Protest For Glenn Beck

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I understand the reason i got banned. I was being a jerk and was trying to make a joke out of something that should never be funny. Through out my time banned i have made a personal apology to Smoker and even a forum post apologizing to the whole server. It seems a lot of people including mods felt that a perm ban is to much and some said that even a punishment is too much. Now through out those posts i never once denied what i did or condoned my actions. Now i feel that if you gave me the chance i could not only change which i have but i can help make xG a great jb server. This includes donating to help silence install more plug ins and having hat packs to make the server a little more fashionable. But im going to finish with saying if you -1 this becuase you think im a sociopath as smoker stated you are wrong and smoker has no right to call me one if he just knows me via the internet.


If We Can Let O.J Get Away With Murder Than Lets Give Glenn Beck A Chance!!

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+1 like I've said in the other thread, if you guys gave me many chances, you should at least give him one chance. If he continues to be stupid, just perm ban him. I feel his situation because I have been in it before.


I say we get rid of the perm and give him like a week ban or two weeks. Whatever floats your boat. +1 for unbanning though. xo

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He had plenty of chances to cut out the crap and only magnified his efforts to ♥♥♥♥ everyone off. I personally warned him on several occasions, to no avail. He's only sorry now that he is banned.


I'm sick of him. He was not only an embarrassment to [xG], but to humanity. He needs to stay banned.

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Alright Tarin i guess we will let the other xG members decide


---------- Post added at 04:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:43 PM ----------


i do not believe i have ever played with you before

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He had plenty of chances to cut out the crap and only magnified his efforts to ♥♥♥♥ everyone off. I personally warned him on several occasions, to no avail. He's only sorry now that he is banned.


I'm sick of him. He was not only an embarrassment to [xG], but to humanity. He needs to stay banned.


I was just as equally bad, I don't see why people gave me another chance knowing my history.. But they did and that's what matters. Just give him another chance to prove himself that he's actually changed, and if he hasn't, just perm him. I think he's actually changed. He's taking the time to write these big apologies knowing that he'll still get shut down. Just give him another chance, I don't see the harm in it. People need to learn from their mistakes, but if you don't let them learn, they won't ever change.


I believe he'll actually change so I have no problem with him coming back. 2 week ban is long enough in my opinion.

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-1. Just because ________ got X amount of chances doesn't mean everyone gets X amount of freebies. I forgot who said this before but he said that if we are going to keep this server healthy we need to get rid of all the riff-raff and let the trolls know that they will get 0 leniency.


On top of that, he has has a history of trolling and this is not something that will change. His apologies are so half-assed; he's not even making a good effort all he is doing is pouring out fake sympathy and overemphasizing how sorry he is. It time to law down the law and I am glad that we have come to this decision.


Let the trolls stay trolls elsewhere.

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