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CT Ban Request for: EdisonGlass

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Demo: MediaFire


The video speaks for itself.

A quick summary:

Trys to do an AFK freeze at wrong time, Mod corrects him, then he rages back at mod saying sorry i havent been in the clan for 7months, then the very next order he gives is invalid fr lr orders.


Quote from motd: A gun check freeze (AFK freeze) may only be performed directly in front of cells as soon as they are opened.

The Warden must first state that they will be playing first/last reaction.


Another prime example of an xG not knowing the motd and cakewalking into the clan.

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He was here wayyy before you, but then he stopped playing for a long time, he just needs to read the motd again, give him a break.

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Unique that was the first time ive ever seen him.

I dont know anything about him.

Its not my job to read the motd to him. Its his job to know it. I shouldnt have to suffer or get freekilled because an xG member doesnt know motd.

Has nothing to do with him on a personal level, of him being a good guy or whatever.

Im just glad I wasnt on the cross hair of an xG that didnt know the MOTD this time around.

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You could at least take the time to be accepting? As far as he was concerned, he thought the rules were the same. He had played RIGHT BEFORE they changed the rules? There were all these new rules to him, yet it's only been a short amount of time.


Could you, for at least 10 seconds, be more understanding of the situation? You've been going off on this whole xG member protest/ban request spree, when in reality, they were SIMPLE RULES BROKEN for the slightest second.


Do people NOT make mistakes? Do people sometimes have errors in their ways? Would you at least calm down? Because the only way you are going to get around this server in particular is by having to suffer the errors of others.


Please learn that we are only humans, it's not in the right place as you to uphold perfection in order to attain your own wants. Perfection doesn't exist.


You don't need a ban request at every second, for every error.

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Dude, you're taking this whole "I must ban everyone because there's a Ban request option" thing too far. Edison was here waaaay before MOSTLY everyone on this thread. Including me, but only by a few months. But anyway, you gotta stop ban requesting over tiny offenses, I only ban request people on mass freekill, mass cell spam etc. Get over it, you're getting too butthurt, he thought the rules were the same as when he came back from being away from the clan. You're not even in the clan, so stfu with the "Cake walking into the clan" ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Get over these tiny offenses which he was slain for. God damn.

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This was a very small reason to report him, not only that he got slayed for it. He will or probably has re-read MOTD so everything should be fine. And I double up on what everyone else has said, people are allowed to make small mistakes like this, it's human.


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