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Chump Charity Contest: WoW Time Cards

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So, next week i'll be buying two 2-month time cards for WoW, and my plan is to have a contest giveaway here. Now, I would PREFER that they go to people who are down in the dumps and a little short on cash, but I probably won't manage to track down all of your financial situations. Hopefully it all works out for the best in the end.



----- CONTEST RULES -----


You need to submit something thats related to christmas. Or CS:S. PREFERABLY BOTH. BONUS POINTS FOR BOTH. It can be ANYTHING. I don't care. Now, because I would rather they go to the penny pinchers, i'm going to make a rule that the more ghetto you get, the better. BUT STILL HAVE QUALITY TO IT. At the very least, have it be funny. Once you have done this, take a picture and post it in this thread. If you can get a timestamp on it, or get a bit of your face in the picture to prove that it is yours, that would be VERY preferable, as to prevent cheating.


A few examples would be of things you can submit are...


Making a cheap christmas angel out of kitchen supplies/utensils/everyday trash (Holding a gun for bonus points)


A funny song/poem (Jingle bells CS:S themed)


An edited screencap of CS:S where the CTs and Ts have santa hats.


You can get a few of your friends in a game in CS and sing a christmas song and record it.


Make a parody of a christmas song that is about Counter Strike



----- ELIGIBILITY -----

You must meet the conditions below to be eligible.


-Be a mature member of the community

-Active on both servers and forums

-Have been in the clan for two or more months (Otherwise have a GOOD rep with no considerable complaints or issues since joining)

-Be of need (Seriously. I dont want to give either of these away to someone whose parents would buy them a car if they asked)


If I have good reason to believe that you don't meet the requirements, I will disqualify you.


Also, I don't want this thread to turn into a flame war over whose picture is best or who needs it the most. So, when you submit it, add a little comment to it, have it be genuine, blah blah blah. PROVE IT'S YOURS IN SOME WAY. ALSO, if you read this thread, and have a suspicion that someone isn't of need, or that they took a picture from some random place on the internet, send me a message, rather than posting it here. DO NOT MAKE FALSE ACCUSATIONS. I will not be pleased.


I'll give you guys until the 10th of December to submit stuff. After that I won't accept anything else. To the two winners, i'll send you the time codes, via steam chat or in a message on this site, or however you'd prefer.

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Yes. You have to be in the clan.


If you've been in the clan for less than 2 months, you can still be eligible, IF you have a good rep. Meaning that you aren't a ♥♥♥♥ and have left a positive mark on the community.


---------- Post added at 06:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 PM ----------


i don't understand the rules :(


You create something, ANYTHING that is related to Christmas or CS:S (OR BOTH)





You can get a few of your friends in a game in CS and sing a christmas song and record it.


Make a parody of a christmas song that is about Counter Strike



Something to that extent!

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