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Iraq mass freekill, mods do nothing :)

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I like the part how he screams: get into the box you fuking ♥♥♥♥♥♥, then shoots him for not wanting to be mass freekilled.

Aside from that demo speaks for itself.




Heres the very next round...

Nothing is done, even with other mods on ect. He doesnt even bother to slay himself.




If this is legal let me know, cause ill do that too.

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I will CTban my self now okay? ... :( Didn't know it would be that corner


It's a random game lol


EDIT: I "Server" banned myself okay? i'm really sorry.

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Haven't seen the baiting thread yet, but he is banned for a day from server, banned for a week from CT, and is officially on probation. If you say that cakewalk BS again, you will be forum and server banned.


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JIll For the last time.. Quite posting it in member protest... >_> Also, There is no abuse.. if he nvr used admin powers.

Warden makes these mistake though i don't know how because its quite obvious you cannot order all t's to stand on 1 corner within 4 corners.. because if it happens to choose that 1 corner.. there goes all the T's and no lrin T.. I don't know why this must be explained though its quite simple and not needed to be on the rules or such.


For now he will just be banned from Ct for an amount.

Sorry for what happen and none of the mods taking action ~.


Since he posted than close right before me and i didn't see it will go by how he said i guess..

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