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Finals Anyone?

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Yeah so I got finals all the rest of this week... algrbra 2, spanish 2, english 2, honors bio, C++, Health, Sociology.... so yeah.. Im not looking forward to the rest of this week what about you guys?

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Yup got finals this whole week, only ones left is geog <-- today and hist <-- thursday, Not too worried then its party

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Im at school right now just took final exam for C++.... BOMBED IT 40% :( I hope my teacher curves it big time. YAY Im home now and i just figured out it got a 18 point curve so i got a 58 on it xD

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Im at school right now just took final exam for C++.... BOMBED IT 40% :( I hope my teacher curves it big time. YAY Im home now and i just figured out it got a 18 point curve so i got a 58 on it xD


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