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Why are AWP's allowed?

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The AWP is the most annoying gun in Counter-Strike Source. I find that using it is just an example of me slacking off and not trying. But when I see other people using them repeatedly and camping the same spots it gets annoying for everyone. I think they should be banned in any server that has many maps with large areas where you can see most of the map (A.K.A. Surf_GreatRiver).


Anyone else agree? Post your opinions please.

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It makes sense on jb, it gives the CTs an edge - even with AWPs, they still seem to be at a disatvantage.


I agree on other servers it's cheap, though; every pub I know of that allows AWPs turns into AWPing AWP-fest with AWPs, starring AWPs.

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Well our pub only allows 1 awp per team :P , its simple to avoid awpers which is using the strat of flashing and smokin.. If you go to the same place and get awp all the time its simple they're gunna still be there and should go somewhere else. You say awp is for slackers but if you were not good with an awp you can be easily killed by another player who knows how to handle a gun.

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Well our pub only allows 1 awp per team :P , its simple to avoid awpers which is using the strat of flashing and smokin.. If you go to the same place and get awp all the time its simple they're gunna still be there and should go somewhere else. You say awp is for slackers but if you were not good with an awp you can be easily killed by another player who knows how to handle a gun.


Going to have to agree with this. Assuming someone isnt camping around a corner waiting to kill your whole team, there are plenty of ways to deal with AWPers. You just have to have the experience of dealing with them and know what to do.

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The AWP is the most annoying gun in Counter-Strike Source. I find that using it is just an example of me slacking off and not trying. But when I see other people using them repeatedly and camping the same spots it gets annoying for everyone. I think they should be banned in any server that has many maps with large areas where you can see most of the map (A.K.A. Surf_GreatRiver).


Anyone else agree? Post your opinions please.


Replace AWP with Autosniper and this would make sense.

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