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Accidently put wrong title! Not sure how to edit it, but this is for Cityslicker369


Players SteamID:

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Players Nick Name/In-Game Name: Cityslicker369

Your Name: Wobniar

Reason why: Added things to my arena over night with no permission


I gave City permission to help take down walls and put up certain colors of wool, but when I said goodbye and went to bed, the next morning he did a lot of changed without permission... what really gets to me is how he dug stright to my house and added a bunch of redstone in it -_-



The arena i made (Used to look more Netherish but the walls are taken down for remodeling)



He made some kind of staircase with redstone going through from the top of arena stage to the room of my HOUSE


All along top of wall was a small balcony like thing where watchers could watch fighters. He took down all of it and replaced it with wool only leaving one wall left with netherbrick. Wool was taken down before picture :(


Made a pretty big staircase going all the way from rules room to the arena


Some kind of hallway with water? Made in the arena






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cityslicker is also forum banned for spamming and for talking ♥♥♥♥, he spammed "FAGS" on 4 threads that he started and said that his server was better, so ban on sight for cityslicker

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OMG Wob I told you all about that! I thut we were making a permanent rainbow arena and I was making the wool stuff and rainbows, fyi u gave it back to me and wool is expensive. Wob come on, i thut we were freinds :( Oh and serbian sorry bout that I was angry. Wob we were making the arena. Water stair case was exit of shame. And you said it urself Wob I was tearing down the nether wall stuff, you told me too! THat entrance was the thing like were people would join, you said you liked that! Everyting about the red stone im sorry, but i got rid of it all. You can see. You took those pics before i got rid of all it! So your getting me banned for no reason! I replaced it on! I also cant come on forums to post a ban appeal so can I please just post a ban appeal! THanks for the christmas present btw :( Worst Chirstmas ever! My family cant even afford presents and now I'm banned on my favorite server!

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just cause ur parents cant afford christmas presents doesnt mean that its a bad christmas. i stopped asking for presents a long time ago because id rather my parents spend the money on things we need rather than things we want

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