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Bhop rules for JB

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i just wanted to understand the exact rules for or against bhopping on JB so i dont get banned again for so called "scripting." (with no evidence or proof) as you all know there are options you can choose on the server to allow/disallow bhop. example: gun toss, etc. im just trying to figure out what the problem is. people do this all the time; most of them just suck at it though and dont know how to do it at its full potential. also i dont want to make a big scene out of this post.

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also i dont want to make a big scene out of this post.


Obviously you do. You were banned for scripting, what more obvious can that be? The rules for bhopping is not scripting. And admins don't need proof to ban though it would be nice. You were unbanned because you posted the I<3Silence, but if you are caught scripting again you won't ben unbanned.

End of story.

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aren't scripts undetectable??? i never typed anything in on console to activate it so idk what the big deal is. bind m-wheel to jump is my way of doin it. makes it soo much easier.

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aren't scripts undetectable??? i never typed anything in on console to activate it so idk what the big deal is. bind m-wheel to jump is my way of doin it. makes it soo much easier.


We're not stupid, and know how to bhop. If the admin thought you were bhop scripting than you were probably were. And you can't get banned for scripts by VAC but if you're bhop scripting it's usually fairly easy to tell.

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so what your saying is if your too good at bhopping then you automatically get banned because 99% of the ppl in JB dont know how to bhop correctly. sounds a lil unfair. its a force of habit now. idk how to bhop slow like I use to, and like everyone else that trys to do it. how can he tell anyways, im just jumping and strafing does not take an idiot to do that.

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so what your saying is if your too good at bhopping then you automatically get banned because 99% of the ppl in JB dont know how to bhop correctly. sounds a lil unfair. its a force of habit now. idk how to bhop slow like I use to, and like everyone else that trys to do it. how can he tell anyways, im just jumping and strafing does not take an idiot to do that.


Do you even know what a bhop script is...? I wasn't there so I can't say you were bhop scripting, my main point was that by making this thread you were in a way mocking the admin who banned you and it was obvious you were being kind of like "I'm great at bhopping and got banned for bhop scripting, so what's the problem, if I'm really good I'm gonna be banned?" This was already dealt with in a ban protest so this thread was unneccessary and you knew why you were banned.

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if the vast majority of ppl dont know how to bhop, then its not surprising that they'll accuse a random whos bhopping like mad of scripting. if ur that good at bhop, then u should know how to do a slower bhop so that u dont get accused of scripting. its like aimbotters, the noobs will always get like 20 headshots in like 2 seconds, whereas the pros will either toggle, go for body shots, or try to keep a low kill score so they dont attract attention

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im just trying to figure out the rules bro. theres nothing about it on MOTD that i'vse seen so thats why i was asking around. don't have to get all technical on me and accuse me of stuff. i just want to know i could care less about why you think i made this post, but thanks for going off topic with this post.

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Well, you can't bhop script. If the warden says you can't bhop you can't. If the lr'ing t says no bhop for guntoss or other LR's that could use bhop as an advantage, then you can't. That's pretty much it.

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Bhop scripts is consider a type of cheat because your using something that auto jumps for you + crouch ect.. which increases ur speed making it much easier to escape/kill other players.

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