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Racism, stereotypes, and religion

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honestly u guys say u inforce the racism rule... but he is what ive seen


1.Only things about black people are taken seriously...No offence

but this is BULLSHIT

anthing about whites,mexicans,asians and any other nationality NOT taken seriously AT ALL... like no one cares


but no offence again... u going to tell me black people are the ONLY people who get offended?


i think if ur going to put in this rule U MUST IN FORCE IT FOR EVERYBODY..


2. if ur going to put no racism rule... u SHOULD put a no stereotype rule... i hear this crap all the time.. and no one seems to give a flying fuck


3. religion

I think there should be NO TALKING ABOUT RELIGION RULE

personally i barely go to church and take religion seriously

incase u guys dont know... so people take religion VERY SERIOUSLY


and again i hear this crap all the time too


i heard a mod.. make fun of (someone i know) religion...

And he found it VERY OFFENSIVE...and i FOUND it very offensive and IT SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED...


and like tarin said sexism too...

and another thing... like when someone gay.. they get A LOT of shit..

its like its their choice so gtfo


this NEEDS to be fixed

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Its because so many blacks cry about the N word being said, and not enough of any other parties. Plain and simple.


Also it's because it's apparently significant enough that blacks have had rights and freedoms in the US in the last century to the point where they are to be regarded as the most sensitive and least worthy of racial stereotypes and slurs.

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With the whole religion thing, I refuse to talk about it in a group full of people. Other then that, I just tell them to take it to Steam chat, cause trust me, I know how Religious topics go...its not pretty

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personally i barely go to church and take religion seriously


MFW: aimg1.xenogamers.org_imported_2012_01_2.gif.313c4410e5773ded838654456cefad2b.gif


And the matter of the fact is that while I understand racism and sterotypes...why the hell be offended if someone says religion is bad?


Your faith matters most. Don't be offended. Be strong of that faith.

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MFW: aimg1.xenogamers.org_imported_2012_01_2.gif.8ead2e85cdc50cb76c8858c2d5d6cd6d.gif






We should make a simple rule. One that I saw in the plaguefest ticker was "Any kind of discrimination whatsoever will result in a kick or ban" So, if you use a slur in a way that could be interpreted as offensive, you get kicked. Regardless if you're part of the party you make fun of in some way.


INB4 Shitstorm.

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Sexism is a big one. Someone chased Kelly off the server last night because they were so rude and sexist towards here. Despite the fact that I kicked him.


I don't know many racial slurs, honestly. I don't hang out with racist people, they're not worth my time. So I never learned them, but I try to put a stop to the ones I know, black, white, asian. I took a lot of flak once for gagging someone that said "cracker" as a slur.


BTW, Jewish is a race. Antisemitism is covered in the no racism rule.


On religion:

8. Do not bring up or make remarks to political stances' date=' religions, leaders, nations, or touchy subjects.[/quote']

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I thought Hebrew was a race, not Jewish. I thought being Jewish was being a part of the Judaism faith.


It's a confusing area. Judaism is the religion. Jewish is a race. A Jew is one whom follows Judaism. I think. o.O

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A Jew is slang for jewish person that came about from the 1940's Nazi-era germany, its not looked at as a slur anymore because its so widespread. Hebrew is the language Jewish people speak.

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No pyro GINGER is not a race. that kid was a dumb troll anyways... they are considered part of the Caucasian race except with no souls!

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