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LR Race Rules

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So something has been bugging me recently. I think this should be classified as a cheap LR. When the T get's to LR, and he chooses race and then chooses a spot and DOESN'T show the CT where to go, I think that should be a slayable offense. It's basically winnable unless you get extremely lucky.


I think the T should HAVE to show the CT where to go or else the mod/admin can just slay them classifying this as a cheap LR. It's really not fair for CTs, they should at least have a chance every round if they survive to get to kill the last T.

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I vote to just remove this LR. Whether it is wall-riding, spawn points, or just not showing the CT where it is, the LR is cheap 95% of the time.

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When a T chooses Race as their LR, it shows a message saying "The last T has chosen race! Pay attention and follow them for the finish line!" If their away from the rest of the CT's (which they should be with the other CT's at all times, besides freedays) and loses race cause they were away from the T not paying attention, kinda their own fault haha


Race isn't the only LR that can be considered "cheap" Dodgeball & Knife fights can be cheap if the person is afk & the jump contest can be cheap as well if you glitch yourself into the ceiling in cells jumping on the top bunk of the bed. I do believe when T's do that its a slayable offense since it's an advantage for them.


If they were to remove any LR, let it be Chicken Fight, it takes way too long >_>

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Pryo, most jumps was removed. I started a successful protest of it.


What happens when a rebel gets LR and the CT can't find them before they choose the points? I see this happen all the time. This is obviously not the CT's fault.

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What tarin said, and dodgeball can be cheap even if the persons not afk pyro =/ i see so many ct's get gayed by the t going behind them doing dodgeball and one toss its over... But yes 100% agree chicken fight is always so god dang long D:


I think Dodgeball and Race should be removed or just replace them with a good Rebel option! Alot of people like it and it gives the t a chance to have some real fun for an LR.

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