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An apology to those who I owe one to

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Im sorry for losing my cool after I lost my admin powers. But in honesty I did more good than bad. But thats not what this is for. Im sorry for perma banning without justice, Im sorry if I abused at any point small or big and im sorry for posting a ridiculous thread to bash Papi (May he burn in hell). Im sorry for letting Aegean down by losing this power but I have to say it was a good run. No hard feelings to anyone (except Papi lol) and I hope we can look past this thing. And this is not a petty attempt to gain power back. Again sorry for raging :3

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Hey, idk wtf happened, but he at least came through and said it straightforward what he did wrong, he didnt just leave the community, or keep disrespecting (if he still was/is). I acknowledge the fact he came clean and said what he did wrong, but this is an issue to deal with the victims, and mods/admis/divLeaders and so forth.

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Thankyou Smokey. And like i said i do not want admin powers back, i just want to stay a member and take what ever punishment is coming to me.

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Last time i checked we needed proof to demote someone for admin abuse. But wait, xG says witnesses arent proof. But wait theres more!


>>Admin posts thread

>>No proof

>>Auto-close? Nope

>> Demoted


If you make rules atleast try to follow them. Otherwise it makes it confusing for other people who want to post and you quote bullshit rules that you dont even follow.

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Last time i checked we needed proof to demote someone for admin abuse. But wait, xG says witnesses arent proof. But wait theres more!


>>Admin posts thread

>>No proof

>>Auto-close? Nope

>> Demoted


If you make rules atleast try to follow them. Otherwise it makes it confusing for other people who want to post and you quote bullshit rules that you dont even follow.


There was proof shown and it was discussed by higher ups who had seen it themselves.

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Papi we must have a love hate thing going on xD and I just never considered very small things like unmuting myself to be admin abuse. An..d Thx Jay, but I'm ok not having admin as long as I'm not free killed. But if there is one thing I will always stand by was when someone needed my help I always helped people efficiently

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Sometimes when you drink Jaybreeze, stay the FUCK out of the forums... bitch.

Still love you though


First off you pale motherfucker, im just high.


Secondly, if your going to rage at others when they post admin abuse with "witnesses" saying its not a legitimate version of proof, then you yourself have to follow the same rules. I understand that admins "saw" this but without proof they can do just that, "see" someone abuse and demote/punishment. There are formalities that need to be taken care of, you cannot go around preaching one thing and doing another, it makes the clan look bad. Admins are able to post proof as well, in fact they should post proof right away on threads like this instead of saying "Yeah i saw him do that one time or something."


And Billy, I sincerely doubt that 3 steam pictures of him being angry in admin chat is enough compelling proof to make that decision.

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Thankyou Jay and Aegean for elaborating. Seriously though I am quite contest with the circumstances, don't ask me why :) and Foxxy <3 <----- right here bro

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