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Fuck sopa yo

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Heh, I have watched these SOPA&PIPA bills for ages now.


And I assure, this crap is never going to pass.

And if it does, expect a fight.

Google, Mozilla, Yahoo, MSN, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook & MANY different sites including even PORN sites completely refuse both. It would destroy much of the internet as we know it. Aside all the politics and how in-depth we could debate about it, the simple fact is - these acts are completely bogus. And to think of supporting or passing them as absolutely absurd, and an outrage to our rights&freedoms in this country.



For those whom can't seem to grasp what these acts mean: Here is a short video, simple for anybody to understand:


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In basic terms, yes - they do. And it's even sadder that most of the ones supporting it know jack-shit about the internet, or computers at that.

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