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He who shall not be named

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Hi Glenn Beck here. Some of you may remember me from my fox news show that was cancelled because i was too "radical". Well thats fucking bullshit and Obama just payed them to cancel me because they are all soviets and IM THE ONLY ONE IN THIS FUCKING WORLD WHO ISNT AFRAID TO SPEAK THE TRUTH!!!!!!. Anyways (lol) with Tarin banned I think it would only be fair that we re-evaluate all the bans he has made and just review them. I mean in my eyes if I was banned by somebody who just later would get banned i would want a second chance atleast. Just a thought and leave a penny for your thoughts (unless you are democrat then you fuking steal your pennies you fuking peices of Asshole. JK I dont want this to get into politics im just playing my part. Anyways love you all and happy trucking

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Well, he wasn't banned for ya know. ADMIN ABOOSING. In terms of being the admin he was ok. The other details are well, well you guys know them.


HOWEVER, i suppose maybe it would be the right thing to review some of this bans, i mean it wouldn't hurt right?

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Well, he wasn't banned for ya know. ADMIN ABOOSING. In terms of being the admin he was ok. The other details are well, well you guys know them.


HOWEVER, i suppose maybe it would be the right thing to review some of this bans, i mean it wouldn't hurt right?


I know its just that if you were perm banned or something by a guy who would end up perm banned id find that unfair and since hes no longer in xG i would think the ban is invalid (or atleast it should be)

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"He" is not up for discussion.

Regardless of what he may/may not have done.


But with ban reviews, maybe.



Are you implying he was an abuser, like OMG said?

Also, fuck politics. >.<

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"He" is not up for discussion.

Regardless of what he may/may not have done.


But with ban reviews, maybe.



Are you implying he was an abuser, like OMG said?

Also, fuck politics. >.<


Me personally i think he was an abuser but thats not what its about i think his bans should be reviewed ATLEAST since he is no longer in xG. If i were incharge of all this stuff ( not trying to tell people how to do there jobs) I would make the bans invalid simply because he is no longer in xG so If non xG members cant ban people why should his bans still be valid

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I'm a pretty big conservative, but I find Glenn Beck (not you, the actual guy) to be an ignorant jackass who loves to stir up controversy and blabber nonsense. On the other hand, so does Obama. I don't see how politricks even matter anymore because how much of the government is corrupt. We might as well be in soviet Russia.

OHSHITWHOOPS can't talk about politics on here :/


And you can do a ban protest btw

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Lol, the bans won't become "invalid" because he was perm banned... If he was perm banned for abusing, then maybe if someone wanted their ban re-evaluated then we would go back and check it out. But he wasn't banned for abusing. And his bans won't become invalid.

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Me personally i think he was an abuser but thats not what its about i think his bans should be reviewed ATLEAST since he is no longer in xG. If i were incharge of all this stuff ( not trying to tell people how to do there jobs) I would make the bans invalid simply because he is no longer in xG so If non xG members cant ban people why should his bans still be valid


Fair enough, :3.

Let's see what the others think. :D

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Obama just payed them to cancel me because they are all soviets and IM THE ONLY ONE IN THIS FUCKING WORLD WHO ISNT AFRAID TO SPEAK THE TRUTH!!!!!!.


Just a thought and leave a penny for your thoughts (unless you are democrat then you fuking steal your pennies you fuking peices of Asshole.


Posting crap like this makes no one take your opinion seriously.


I think Tarin's bans should not be re evaluated anyways , he was a good mod and made legit bans. Thatd be like freeing all the people a cop arrested because the cop was fired.

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Posting for Serbian:


"tarin was banned for a COMPLETELY different reason that shall not be discussed, he was a good mod and his bans were justified, pretty much what papi said, no point in reviewing them cause we have a ton of ppl that are permed and it says "admin deleted" its not like we'll review those bans"


(Sorry, Serb informed I WAS NOT to close this - my bad)

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I agree with syN_, I don't think the bans should be reevaluated. Tarin was if anything a solid admin. Just because he was banned for reasons not to be mentioned doesn't mean that he wasn't a fair person. Don't add insult to injury Glenn you crazy conservative.

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I understand where you guys are coming from and i just thought that maybe they should be re evaluated. I mean its not like this has ever happened before and maybe the people who were banned would like another chance

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I think Tarin's bans should not be re evaluated anyways , he was a good mod and made legit bans. Thatd be like freeing all the people a cop arrested because the cop was fired.



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