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Leaving for now (Like anyone cares)

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Souless here and to say that ill be leaving for a while and don't know when im coming back..

Between emotional problems and failing my classes i am just under an enourmous amount of stress and depression

as well people have told me id be better off leaving the clan and that i don't deserve to be here..

I'll be posting again when i get back and I'll try to come back if i can..


~Souless Angel


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Personally I think your depression probably stemmed from JB. JBs full of shenans and crazies and are like da fuq?


But yeah, hope you're feeling better. Even though i have no idea who you are.

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Yo hope you get better souless sorry for the dicks saying you would be better off no beening out of the clan well u are a awesome guy and I say fuck those who said to leave your a great player ^_^

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I feel you, I just got my report card yesterday. Well, this is how I think of it, try to fit in your schedule to its potential.If you can't fit in CS:S , then keep trying in school at your best until you are satisfied with your grades.


Best of wishes,


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