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Request for more strict disrespect rule

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So I've been noticing that a lot of people think that it is just fine and dandy for people to disrespect other people in this community. I feel that disrespect is a major thing that effects a community. It makes it less fun/ enjoyable, it makes people not want to be apart of the community if they allow people to just disrespect who they want and get away with it. I think its fine if people want to defend themselves, but geez they don't have to go around doing it in a disrespectful way. So I'm requesting a more strict rule for disrespecting in this clan. I feel that people should be punished by the amount of trolling/harassing they do, because its just ridiculous that people can get away with being very disrespectful/ prejudice against other people. People get harassed about age/ race/ sex and they get away with it i find this very unfair to the people who have done nothing to earn that disrespect. Please take this into consideration.


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-1 disrespect is the most objective rule we have and its already hard to enforce because people get disrespected for various things, and some dont get disrespected at all. The rule, flawed as it is, should remain the same due to the fact that its basically 100% personal.

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