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I will be less active for a little while

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Hey guys, I know I haven't really been online recently; mostly because this semester a bunch of my friends have convinced me to rush for their fraternity. These past few weeks have been filled with rush events and sorority mixers so I haven't been able to get quality video game time in.


I went to their interviews yesterday, and I got a call last night.


I recently got extended a bid, and I'm seriously thinking about accepting the bid.


If I accept, I'll start pledging this coming Monday.


My friends already told me a lot (not all) of what the process is going to entail; and I really don't think that I'll be able to put in as many hours as I usually do; especially since I'm gonna have to balance school, work, the gym, and fraternity pledging.


Anyways; this is just to let you guys know why I won't be on for hours at a time anymore; don't fret!


I still plan on helping out the server when I can, it just won't be as frequent as usual. Probably an hour MAX during the week, and a little more during the weekends.


I hope everything is going well for the rest of you though!


I'll see everyone online much more once the pledging process is over.


Best of luck to all of you.



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