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Ban request for Brock Obama

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Link is messed up, and even so, we can't really ban because he shot the vent open once... If you could get a recording of him freekilling and such that would be great.

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hes armory camping and the pic shows its 7:01 he continued to camp. Link is fixed


He could have followed a t through the vent and into the armory, so this isn't really proof :(

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Yeah, I have seen him fuck around like this before. But technically this isn't enough proof. Try to record a demo next time you see him playing or ask an admin/mod to spec him!

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I'v seen him freekill on multiple occasions, he dosent listen to orders well.


I'v also seen him run into a vent cell with a T infront of it.


I'v got no actual proof though.

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srry but theres not enough proof to ban him, and at the most, it would prob be a week ct ban depending on how many rules he broke


if u do have enough proof though, pm me on forums and ill reopen the thread and let you post more proof


-sealed away in the last great time war

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