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I was permanently banned..... for?

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You banned me for trolling and being disrespectful to the community.


How, exactly, am I constantly being disrespectful/hateful towards the xG community? I am confused.... I joke around a lot....... but, other than that, there's nothing that stands out to reinforce my ban other than the instance where I said, "stop crying about things you can't change" in the thread on here... and, I think I called an admin a nigger (ONCE, and it was jokingly).


What the fuck????


And then you mention my VAC ban (which occurred six years ago), and my five previous week bans..


These all occurred a few weeks ago, and you're permanently banning me now??? If these instances warranted a permanent ban, you think a permanent ban would've been issued long ago.


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Banned by syn.

i agree that you should be perm banned btw. i have to always constantly warn u to stop trolling


this. you get warned atleast like 5 times a map =/

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this. you get warned atleast like 5 times a map =/


That's quite the exaggerated number. And, I don't know what you consider trolling, but jokingly saying, "Keep talking, your voice is sexy" hardly constitutes as trolling (which is what the bulk of my comments are)....

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I'm sure you have done much more than just saying that Sinister...I have had numerous complaints about you before...We will see what happens. If you fail to get unbanned, just go to here and follow the steps Want To Get Unbanned?


I kinda think we should stop adverting that thread :/ It's kinda like telling people, " oh you can murder everybody once, but after that you had better stop!"



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I'll make this simple:

Ban request, denied.

Why: It's obvious, you are disrespectful and a troll, and have been banned numerous times for the same reasons in game, that little show you put on about Vinny was the final straw.

I had assumed your server ban had been placed already, I was informed that it wasn't, leadership has given me the go ahead and fix that - and the go ahead to perm.


Regardless of any debate, you being banned FIVE times and still continuing to act the way you do AND admitting to your VAC doesn't help your case.


Have a nice day~

Thread 404'd

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