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I need your helpppppp d:

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Hello all you beautiful people! Before we get started I just want you all to know that I love you very much! Anyway, I'm currently in the process of trying to produce a play. It's called Rope and was written by Patrick Hamilton. You can read all about it right here. (As in click the word "here" in the previous sentence.) If you don't want to bother reading to much, it's a British murder thriller about two college students who decide to murder a classmate for the vanity of it.


I'm trying to start some online fundraisers in order to pay for the venue I have in mind ($300 per day), and I need a logo, or poster, or something. That's where you cuties come in. I know many of you are quite good with photo shop, and I'd love it if some of you could try and make an interesting logo or some such. I'll be forever indebted to you and will post a pic of myself with a sign saying "I love [your name here]!" if I choose your design. Thanks in advance!!! <3


EDIT: Guess what? Thread titles cannot be in all caps and when they are written in all caps and turned into all lower case letters they look really dumb.

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