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What are all the different clan tags and what do they mean?


I've seen the tag "xenogamers", are those members, players, is it a public tag, or what?


xG:A and xG:M I think are pretty self-explanitory.


But what are all the others and what do they mean? I've seen xG:C xG:D xG:GG and more.


Also, is the A Rebel and D Rebel tags xG-related or is that something different? I see those a lot.

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The M,A,C,D, & L are for the admins and mods


M: Mod

A: Admin

D: Div Leader

C: Co-Leader

L: Leader


The other ones are for like subclans and such. For example the F is the Furry subclan R: Rebels

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I've seen a tag that's the full word "XENOGAMERS" sometimes with an additional [xG] tag and sometimes without. What's the "XENOGAMERS" tag?

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the XENOGAMERS thing, is because they are part of the steam group "xenogamers" but that doesn't mean they are in the clan, the official xG tag is [xG]

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