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Proposal for a new rules

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** This may not be the best, but I am hoping it will give ideas to help with the rules**

You know I've seen a couple admin abuse here and there, sometimes I can ignore it sometimes I can't. Do you know how boring it is to watch a whole entire 'Joke Day' when you were killed by the admin at the start of the round? Now most of you that don't know me, I am a very political guy and I like how the government works and I want to see if it could fit into the xG clan. Here is as follows:


**Sorry some of these might not be true and disregard it** I am still new


-Executive ( Admins)

*Enforce the servers

*Since Silence has all the power, think of him as the president, he should break it up so other high ranking admins can cut some work for him. As follows

~ Breaking up some of his powers to other High, well know and trust-able admins; I believe that the amount of admins verses the number of disrepute is out weighted. Sometime, and Silence if your reading this please excuse me. I am not singling you out, cause there's plenty out there, but when you kill me it really ****** me off, I know your trying to have fun and I do enjoy it sometimes, but not when its every other round.

~ They [Executive] will be able to vote or choose their judicial counterparts but should be agreed by the Legislative. They also have the right to immediately allow or veto rules but must have a valid reason.

~ They may call for a special hearing in mumble or the entire xG community for a new proposal whether that be banning, kicking, voting.

~ They can pardon banned players or members with reasonable fact.

DoB- Department of Banning

Executes most of the Bans

DoA- Department of Appeal

Works with conjunction with Judicial to see if a player/ member should be unbanned.


-Judicial (Mods and other high, well know players)

* Review the rules and make sure they're fair for the most part this is good

* Review cases that members and other players post

~ I believe this is imperative because it gives not only players a better place to get help, but current admins a ease of mind. I think there should be or integration with the ban request section where 'Judges or council' can look thoroughly through a case and actually find the best resolution for it. Not just where people post demos of their side of the story. There is always two sides to a story, and though demos are a great way to get justice I don't think its just use enough, and some people might not have video capturing devices. After a case they will present it to the Executive (DoB or DoA) who will decide whether to execute the order or not.**Judges can over ride the rule with a 2/3 vote**. They are not only given full power to looking at bans but also for Appeals.

~ They should also decide whether the Executive are abusing their power and should be able to somehow regulate or control that.

~ They can block a passed rule if it is not being effective in servers or not being fair to the members and/or the players.

~ They only carry basic admin(kicking ect..) rights.

* Now to be a Judicial you need to be very experienced because there is no margin for mistakes, its all about being fair and not taking sides in a case without reasonable cause. They probably demands the most time and commitment, but should provide a better environment.


Legislative (Players, Mods, Admins everyone else)

This is a position for everyone. What we should do here? Well I know I might sound *** or something I really don't care I'm just trying to give advice take it or not. But we have a total of 10 servers. What happens is that for each server people should be able to choose who they want them to represent, I think 2 per server should suffice depending on server population and max . These two would be your congressmen, all players should go directly to them for issues about the game, the server, the members just about everything with limitations which I will go over if this plan is to be in placed. They have the power to go to the Executive directly or Judicial to hold a conference on mumble (I guess) and tell them about the issues. Now this branch does no have any banning rights, but should have the power to kick players because I expect them to be majority the base of the support team. I believe there should be a large but not surplus amount of these 'Congressmen'. Since our DM Surf, and JailBreak are the most populate, with the placement of 'Congressmen' it should be easier for players to file disputes directly through them or forum and get their issue solved on site.

Everyone in the branch should be given the right to place a new rule for the entire xG or just a server alone and the people on the forums should vote on it.

Now the most powerful part of this branch is the ability to look into the cases of the judicial and executive sectors and see what is unjust and who should be kicked out, banned ect..


I know this has a lot of loop holes, but if its considered or tested I will update it to the fullest potential and leave it flawless. The main thing I'm trying to get across is that ?No one, No one is above the rules/laws?. Everyone should be given a fair chance at everything. I don't care if you think I'm foolish or just physco (YAY!), I actually hope this will help bounce ideas off people and start to create or rebuild xG.




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hmmm alot of stuff there lul... and we're alrdy deciding on those parts i think where people are in charge of ban , members and so on... Also about the group that decides on abusive power ect... i don't really think we need that we got many players within the server and any of them could get proof of abuse and post it for silence or so to check it over , Jailbreak is the main server where most admins are within so if 1 admin see's it as abuse they could get the proof and report or if they are higher level admin above that they could take it on there own action.


Servers - We know we have alot of server but as i can see it the 3 main server populated from highest to lowest is ... JailBreak , Surf Deathmatch , and Minigames - These are the main servers that admins are on to watch but mostly in jailbreak a few in surf and minigames , It would be nice if the admins player on all the servers and other members help populate them this would make it easier because as i can see it that admins don't play in other servers but these 3 because of population , so most of the admins are within jailbreak because that server is usually populated.

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Well I understand that the rule is complex, but yet I like is where its not too simple so it has flaws, but not too complex where it limits the members.


@duckii I am glad to hear that my idea was already in the thinking, but I just feel that the division of power with Silence at the top would be much better rather than slience, you or another mod/admin. Plus I think that the group that decides on abusive power is deeply necessary because say Silence is to abuse his power, and say I post something up. What if he's the one reviewing it, there's a level of bais that might create uncertainty within the community.


Lastly I like to say I might sound like I am ripping on you, but I don't want to make it sound that like. I'd love to see xG improve and become this amazing clan. I am a big advocator for "No one is above the law".

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well silence is the owner of the server so yeh... but even if the admin who is abusing is reviewing it all they can do is deny it but there is also other admins of this but now we got a new admin system structure that will be deciding on alot of other stuff so it will let silence have more time.

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