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Jailbreak Rule?

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What im wondering id what if theyre out of their cell when the warden say out of cell rebel its no fair to the t because that order wasnt given yet.

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Ok so now I know that 1. once they are out of their cell they are rebel and I can now shoot them @ any point in the game, this will be awesome! and 2. that if they have a primary out regardless you can kill them, even if they dont shoot you.

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Ok so now I know that 1. once they are out of their cell they are rebel and I can now shoot them @ any point in the game, this will be awesome! and 2. that if they have a primary out regardless you can kill them, even if they dont shoot you.


1. That makes you a killwhore, and now I really don't like you. 2. The primary has to be out for more than 2 seconds. So they can switch back from knife and switch back to the primary.

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Im just joking, im not that horrible of a person. And plus im so bad at aiming I never would take the chance to freekill. I get pissed off enough as it is when I am. No one is that horrible of a person.


---------- Post added at 12:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 PM ----------


What im wondering id what if theyre out of their cell when the warden say out of cell rebel its no fair to the t because that order wasnt given yet.


What that means is that its a freeday because cells were open before warden gave the 1st clear order. And yes they can infact skip that and just give the command for what they need to do when cell doors open, but if they say on "GO", then they can freely do w/e the hell they want as long as on "GO" they are in their cell and then taking 1 step out doing w/e.


Protip: Loopolls are your friend! Use them wisely and you can take some CTs down wit ya!

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This should definetly be cleared up in motd. I personaly hate people who kill ppl that jump from one cell to the other then kill them while they are in cell. I've always given myself the rule that if "out of cell you're a rebel" is called, i only kill Ts if they are out of cell.... but thats just me :P


Angrehhorse also brings up a pretty good point. On the map where iso can be opened from the inside, it has happened to me before to have opened it then run out THEN hear out of cell rebel before i could reach cell button and got killed. I do feel bad to slay so i usualy restrain from it. This is a very grey area since if one T is out of his cell before OutOfCell order is given, is he really a rebel or just Usain Bolt?

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Also being in vent is also technically out of cell so if you are in vent before they call out of cell rebel, while knifing vent makes you rebel w/e happens? Also if there are 2 people in a vent cell and you knife it, open it, get killed, and then your cell mate goes through it all before out of cell rebel isnt he safe?

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Also being in vent is also technically out of cell so if you are in vent before they call out of cell rebel, while knifing vent makes you rebel w/e happens? Also if there are 2 people in a vent cell and you knife it, open it, get killed, and then your cell mate goes through it all before out of cell rebel isnt he safe?


Going through vents at all, even in a freeday makes you a rebel. It's in the motd.

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My god everything is explained in the MOTD, you guys should just read the MOTD instead of going along with "well I didn't get slayed so it must not be a rule" lol. Plus there's a reason why Jihad is the clan's BADmin, he's bad. Read the MOTD everyone please, I'm sure you'll learn something new.


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