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Perfect Rebelling Method

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This is my rebelling technique: Talk to @@Cristo. And read this.

Vents and Tunnels


First of all, this is the best type of rebelling because you have the chance to get a guard weapon. Next, i see what map im on, obviously. if the map is like avalanche where its like a metal vent that takes a while to open and im in the vent cell, i will just let the other try and open it and if he does, i help so the process goes faster so the guards dont catch me. if its a map like ba_electric_razor where the vent can open in like 1 hit, i will open it and wait until the warden tells us to do our stand in front of cell and shit. The time that i am waiting in my cell, i will look where all the guards are at since ghosting is not allow.[cough][cough]**Sarcasm**[cough][cough]

^ everyone has ghosted or asked for someone to ghost for them, dont lie, we've all done it at least once.


here's something to think about...


if a guard is standing in front of the vent cell for at least 15 seconds, wouldnt that be consider vent camping or at least camping? to be answered...


The #1 thing I want to have is a gun that has ammo at least.


the best weapon to have is when rebelling is a sniper of some sort so the guards dont notice you as quickly. A scout will make you quicker with your shots and movement, but will lack damage. the awp will give you more damage and accuracy, but will lack speed.


The best method when you have the sniper is to switch positions everytime you shot. Example: Say your in armory, once you hear a CT yell like, "There's a Rebel in armory!" then maybe switch positions. <--- Note 1 (At the bottom)


if you suck using an M4A1 or an AK-47, then your best bet is to walk around** and start shooting guards that are not with the T's until the round ends or until you die. **On ba_lockdown_final, you can walk to the obstacle course part and to the jouce and the death maze part because they are to parts of outside and they are split by like 1 room.


Cell pistols and Bombs


This isnt the best type of rebelling, but its also the most greatest way.


Compare and Contrast


Not the best method


Since most maps load the pistol with no mag and 12 bullets. its best to just hold on to that an hope the warden says "STACK UP! WE IS PLAYING NO BALLS CAUSE NO YOU T's GOT BALLS, HURR DURR!" the other thing is, it takes a while to kill one guard and you gotta be pro to get a quick headshot with 2 or 3 shots.


On the other hand, bombs are hard to get because you need at least $10,000 and you will eventually get it after 3 rounds. and the small bombs are shit and will affect someone if there baiting you or if you run up to them and blow up or the guard will shoot you and its like 50/50 chance that you will lose your bomb or it will blow up on death. The worst part about bombs is if you got like a medium or even a large bomb, you have a small chance of a disfunctioning bomb and it will start to set and blow up in like 5 seconds with a warning and a sound that is like a wick being lit on a firework.


The Good things


lets first start with the pistol. its great to use when you are stacked because it makes it harder for the guards to shoot you. The worst thing to do is crouch and shoot. the reason why is because think of it, when you crouch, your head leans forward more and it points you out more cause everyone is usually standing. i think its better to do it standing cause that way you can get in and out of the stack quickly.


The bomb is good. the one way i like to use them is camp in your cell, wait for that one faggot CT to check the cells, then blow up. i use this method if i have a small bomb because im not gonna waste a medium bomb for a CT even if i still only kill one CT, i at least wanted to try and kill multiple guards or at least hurt them.




The worst time to rebel is when there are multiple rebels already because you dont get the fun of killing all the guards by yourself.


i think the faggot thing to do is camp for Last Request because you're gonna get killed anyway so why would you waste other peoples time for your needs. you can camp, but i would tell a mod that you are camping for last request.



Note #1 - The skill of rebelling is not something you can learn from. this is my way i rebel. The best rebels learn from their mistakes. The reason i put the Note #1 is because moving from place to place is really hard to do because you gotta know the map and know how to use the map to counter the guards moves.


Remember, this is not to teach others, this is my method.

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#1 spot where the c'ts are

#2 check and see if a back stab is possible

#3 if so check again if the ct's are looking

#4 go in for the kill

#5 take his weapon

#fuck shit up segway style


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Turn off trails because they are a dead giveaway when you teleport.

Set your tracer visibility to team-only, otherwise CTs can see easily where you are shooting from.


---------- Post added at 08:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 AM ----------


1. Look

2. Rebel

3. ?????

4. Profit

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Nice work Toby.


Also dont forget to calm down when your about to rebel or fire that weapon. Spraying does no good. You want a head shot or at least a hit. I watch many people basically newb out from not taking their time. Ive actaully couched a rebel while he was shooting, telling him to slow his shots so they can hit.


Also go for the warden. Prolly didnt need to be said but yeah. That will cause all sorts of chaos half the time.


Id say the most important thing when you rebel is: Timing.

If you can just wait for the best timing to rebel it makes all the difference.

Even if you have to wait til theres only 2 of you left.

But timing on rebeling I feel is the most important. If you time your rebel action wrong, you will get effed fast.


One more thing. You should always look for an easy get away. And if your rebeling you should know in advance where you will run. Try not to random rebel with no plan. Its not as effective.


One more thing. If you can bring a gun into a stack. That is gold. Set your bind for an easy drop weapon. Even if you die grabin that gun and throwin it into stack or close to stack. Can make the round fall into T win.

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If you want to use teleporters, turn your trail off.

If you want to shoot from a cell (or at all), turn tracers off or set visibility to team only.

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