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Hide n Seek Day Knock Off

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Hey so the Invisible Children foundation visted my school today and they inspired me to make a newish day. They day is called Invisible Children Day. Its basically like hide n seek but with some change ups.


The only difference are:


1. All Ts are reffered to as Invisible Children


2. All CTs are reffered to as Kony's Army


3. The warden is reffered to as Kony




Rules are:


1. If Kony dies, it becomes a free day instantly


2. If you are a Invisible Child and are found, you can bloodhound for your freedom, but if you dont you are a rebel and shot.


3. If you are a Invisible Child and are bloodhounding, once the person you find is found you get a personal freeday and the other Invisible Child is shot and killed.


4. If you are a Invisible Child and try to escape or fail to show where another Invisible Child is you are a rebel for the rest of the round.


5. If a Invisible Child has a gun, he is instantly a rebel.


6. If there are still Invisible Children alive at the specified time all of Kony's Army must come out of hiding and be shot and killed without being able to shoot back.


7. If Kony dies and it becomes a freeday, all of Kony's Army can be fired upon and cannot shoot back.


If you guys want to make any suggestions to this game post below :D

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I don't know about this


-Hide and seek days usually end up being days where all Ts rush armory while CTs shoot at them

-MOTD says no personal freedays

-CTs probably won't be able to remember all the people who have personal freedays, assuming there is clear communication amoung CTs

-CTs will be freekilling Ts they see running around on freedays if they are too far away to see their name

-Overall, I think this game is too complex to play on a server with 40+ people

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This is so well thought out and fun sounding, but this.


I don't know about this


-Hide and seek days usually end up being days where all Ts rush armory while CTs shoot at them

-MOTD says no personal freedays

-CTs probably won't be able to remember all the people who have personal freedays, assuming there is clear communication amoung CTs

-CTs will be freekilling Ts they see running around on freedays if they are too far away to see their name

-Overall, I think this game is too complex to play on a server with 40+ people

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How bout this then. Dont make it a day but make it a order so you can do it with less people. That way there is more Cts than Ts and they can handle the few rebelers.

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Honestly this is like hide n seek, except even more complicated. It won't work.


Hide n seek doesn't even work so i can promise you this won't. Especially with the amount of rules people will need to learn its gonna turn into a bloodbath of freekills.


I can just see the spammed admin chat now.

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