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Jailbreak Days

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CTs now have a new command (!days) [costs 25k] which lets them change the next round into something special. Right now the selection is limited but if you have an idea for a day and it's good then you may find it added.


Sandstorm (incrementally lower visibility)

Friendly Fire

Low Gravity

Meep-Meep (high speed)

Matrix Jumping (acceleration in inverse direction while moving in the air)

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will the cts be voting on the days using !day? ie, if 5 cts vote for sandstorm, and 4 vote for low grav, will the day become sandstorm? also, is it based on the first ct to type !day or just based on how many votes each day gets?

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I have a few ideas, there kind of pro-CT but since !days is a CT command it makes sense.


Would it be possible to do something that's knife and taser only? Like, all guns are tasers? Or any non-taser guns simply don't work?


How about something that pings T's that are more than x units from CT(s)?


Maybe both of these are a little strict, possible to limit them to once per map or increase the cost to $40k-50k?

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Thought: Make Ts be able to pick certain days.



New day: Jihad day. Cost 50k (Both teams)

Everyone randomly blows up. 'nuff said.


New day: Low gravity. Cost 25k (Both teams)

Low gravity....


New day: Drugged. Cost 25k (Both teams)

Everyone is high


New day: Random weapon drops. Cost: 50k (T only)

People are randomly given weapons.

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