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A xG Life Story

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[xG] TheRageWay [DC]: so at first my friend introduced me to CSS i just stared playing it back in October or so... then i went through the servers and stuff looking around.. and i clicked on EoG jailbreak... i started playing it and i thought it was shit.. Till I figured out that it was role play.. so then my friend said he was in nitrate gamming so i joined taht.. First clan i ever joined.. i liked it for a while then i played on their jb.. had fun.. but then one day some guy pissed me off and slayed me or something so i left because i thought there rules were to strick most of the time.. so before that while i was in nitrate i was looking for a different jb and i found xG... well i like it a lot more bcuz had last CT and less rules to go by.. more fun i guess you could say.. well then i met King J on xG one night it was about 3 in the morning.. so he told me i should join.. if i liked xG.. well that guy that slayed me in Nitrate made me leave and i joined xG.. my first friend in xG was Duke bcuz i liked his deep voice (dont ask why) so me and him about December time was always on xG haveing fun and what not.. and it seemed that everyone loved me and loved then bcuz it was the first time i felt popular in a gaming community bcuz ussaly your just so member that no one knows.. i hanged out with alot of ppl got people to join Death Run because i liked that too... i rember one night it was like new years Microsoft said i should be mod.. and i was so happy that a admin thought i should be mod bcuz i always reminded ppl of the rules and how it should go bcuz i know the motd like the back of my hand (but we are humans we make mistakes) so then about 2 weeks after Xmas my dad walkes in and says i have bad grades so he takes my comp away.. (that was my inactivity) but over all xG now has changed then how it use to be backing december you could say nigga or nigger... and the days were so much more loose not some up tight admins or mods we had fun and did things we prolly wernt aloud to.. but they were fun and no one cared..so thats my xG life story..

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well.. i told this to someone who i knew and i didnt really know them too well so i decided to tell them all about me bcuz for a second i was about to leave xG and he made it to were i didnt bcuz i had my facts wrong (just dont worry about it) i willl prolly never leave xG until something really pisses me off so dont worry xD but yeah i decided to post it and its really heart warming for me looking back on my past.. you wouldnt really understand now that you just jestured it

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well.. i told this to someone who i knew and i didnt really know them too well so i decided to tell them all about me bcuz for a second i was about to leave xG and he made it to were i didnt bcuz i had my facts wrong (just dont worry about it) i willl prolly never leave xG until something really pisses me off so dont worry xD but yeah i decided to post it and its really heart warming for me looking back on my past.. you wouldnt really understand now that you just jestured it


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Loki, please stop attempting to troll Rage. I will sick my inhumane beast mongers on you for attempting to troll this beautiful man.

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Loki, please stop attempting to troll Rage. I will sick my inhumane beast mongers on you for attempting to troll this beautiful man.


Thanks Chrono... even though i know im better than loki xD <3

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