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Finding rebels

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So this is a topic that I am the most confused about. Can a CT leave Ts to go find a rebel? Or does he have to get wardens permission? Or does he have to see the person rebel? Or does he have to know there is a rebel?




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Admins response would be more helpful D:


From what i've seen its at discretion. I would imagine that you'd have to watch the CT to find out if they're just dicking around or looking for a T they suspect is rebelling. Slaying without at least watching to see what happens is poor form I would think.


The same would go if there are quite obviously many terrorists not with the rest and are rebelling as a result. It'd be kind of a given they're hunting rebooblers unless they're playing on a slide or something.


The discretion probably comes into play based on the suspected number of Ts rebelling, and how far away they are, and how long they've been gone.


I'm not a mod but if you're asking due to someone doing this in-game, I'd say just think it out logically and use good reasoning, and you'd be fine in going ahead with it.

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CTs are allowed to look for rebels, do not slay them before asking them what they are doing if you are really that confused. If you see them jumping around in disco and everyone is in soccer, slay them.

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what smoker said, usually if there are ts rebelling, then u wouldnt slay the cts cause they might be looking for the rebelling ts, however, if everyones in soccer and there are like 6 ts, and they're all in soccer, then slay the cts that are in like disco or fucking around somewhere else, but wait to see if they arent on their way to the other ts though

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